

“I didn’t want to kiss you goodbye — that was the trouble — I wanted to kiss you good night — and there’s a lot of difference.” ~~Hemingway

Your scent lingers on my sheets, as sweet as marmalade or meadow flowers. They will stay on the bed as long as the intoxicating aroma lasts. What happened took 1001 nights of solitude before one intense coupling. Oh, the feelings of complete indifference for the outside world; the only one in existence was a warm, healing, accepting one we created moment by moment.

You will never know how a part of me came alive again nor what it took to get to this place and time. I had almost forgotten what I was capable of. In this realm, thankfully, nature outweighs nurture.

Delicate smiles, tight embraces, sounds that only emanate in one place. Everything has a magnified meaning and deeper resonance within the soul. For a few perfect hours, writing indescribable feelings into each others’ journals of the mind. For sure, I will revisit them for a lifetime.

Why must the dawn always comes so soon?

To explore some of my epiphanies and challenges in widowhood and life itself, please see the stories below. If you like what you just read, please ‘Recommend’ it and ‘Share’ it with others by any social media you favor.

Image by Bryan Brenneman entitled She is My Drug.


