Her Mother’s Eyes

“Pull Quotes” of a 4 Year Old: Weeks 13-14

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old


This weekend, there was discussion about a new addition to the extended family and it ended up where it usually does: who the baby looks more like! There was also talk about my daughter and her obvious track to being a CEO.

My daughter has acquired a number of traits from both her parents. She looks a lot like my wife with small hints of me. She inherited my talking in my sleep, my little hairline swirl at the nape of her neck and my love of her mother.

But mostly, I marvel at how this little person we made has made herself into her own marvelous person.

Sidenote: her impromptu car dance parties sparked my posting this story.

New to “Pull Quotes”? Here’s what you missed…

😀 A Personality (Weeks 1–2) | 😱 A Flair for the Dramatic (3–4)
An Active Imagination (5–6) | 🙋🏻 A Growing Independence (7–8)
A Happy Homelife (9–10) | 💝 A Sweet Heart (11–12)

