Ethereum biweekly: Ecosystem and projects’ updates, opinion and research articles

Published in
21 min readOct 29, 2019

Biweekly update 15th October — 29th October. Istanbul going live December 4th

Dear Ethereans, we have a lot of essential news for you as usual!
Ethereum’s next system-wide upgrade, Istanbul, is scheduled to arrive on mainnet the week of December 4th. The decision was made during an Ethereum core developer call on October 25th. 6 EIPs have been accepted for Istanbul.
During these two weeks, the team was working assiduously. Danny Ryan has posted an eth2 quick update on the blog. Ethereum 2.0 development updates were published: Prysmatic Labs, Lighthouse. Protolambda is teasing us with previews of his Muskoka test harness for Eth2 clients. It’s named after the area in Ontario where the teams did the Interop retreat.
The ecosystem is impressive, and it continues to flourish! Many updates on projects build on Ethereum appeared: Maker roadmap to Multi-collateral Dai launch on November 18th. Dai Card is live on Connext v2. All Compound admin functions are now on a two-day time delay. New Uniswap interface released. Gitcoin Quests Launched. Winners from Decentraland’s hackathon and a bunch of great Alethio stablecoin data visualization were published. Axie Infinity teams up with Samsung. A major update for Gods Unchained this week includes long-awaited performance and optimization improvements. PegaSysPlus, the commercially licensed enterprise Ethereum client, is now available with advanced monitoring, event streaming, blockchain database encryption + 24/7 support, it is the best Ethereum platform for enterprises. ETH is now live on BitPay. And many more!
As for the social side, Tom Shaughnessy interviews Vitalik on the new Phase 1 sharding proposals. Post-Devcon5 catch-up with Tarun, James and Georgios episode on Zero Knowledge podcast is now out. Eli Ben Sasson, co-founder and cheif scientist in the East at Starkware featured on Epicenter. All Devcon5 main stage videos are now out. Ethereans, don’t forget to check out Vitalik’s new researches, links are in out report below!


The technical side of Ethereum’s efficacy is 100% an engineering exercise

Vitalik Buterin

GitHub metrics:

Developer activity (from

Protocol updates

Ethereum Core Devs Meeting #73 [2019–10–25]

  • Istanbul
  • Testnet Status Updates
  • Mainnet Block
  • EIP-2124
  • Berlin
  • Process & scheduling discussions
  • Ice Age
  • Tentatively Accepted EIPs
  • Testing updates
  • Review previous decisions made and action items
  • Call 72
  • Client Updates
  • Research Updates

Check out Istanbul Meta EIP

Notes from the call. Istanbul tentatively scheduled for December 4th with January 8th as a backup.

Eth2.0 Call #26 [2019/10/24]

Testing and Release Updates

  • v0.8.4
  • upcoming phase 0 semi-major release
  • muskoka
  • fuzzing
  1. Client Updates
  2. Research Updates
  3. Testnet discussion
  4. Spec discussion

Notes from the call.

Updated spec v0.8.4, minor changes.

Ethereum 2.0 Development Update #37 — Prysmatic Labs: biweekly updates written by the entire Prysmatic Labs team on the Ethereum Serenity roadmap. Devcon recap, completed client code work, upcoming work (including phase 2 exploration) and more from PryLabs in their biweekly development update.

Lighthouse Update #17:

- Eth1 integration

- Discv5 standardization

- Validator slashing protection

- Formal modelling of the shuffling algorithm

- Tightening key permissions

- Merging binaries

- Testing & BLS update

Muskoka eth2 client test harness:

Runtime Verification’s implementation of the beacon chain spec in the K framework is complete, and is proving useful by suggesting extra test cases to improve code coverage.

Sigma Prime is working on a differential fuzzing environment for Eth2 clients. See the dev call meeting notes for more info. They will be contacting each team in the next weeks to get their clients onboarded onto the platform.

Responding to “a 51% attack would be a moment of joy for the community, as at the cost of a day or perhaps a week’s disruption, an amount of the attacker’s ETH would get burned that counteracts years of protocol-level issuance, increasing the value of ETH and hence making future attacks more expensive”.

A quick EIP2124 explainer to help compatible nodes find each other:

eth2 quick update by Danny Ryan on October 23, 2019:

Although the internet has been more quiet than usual, we’ve been super busy hacking away on eth2! Between Devcon5 and keeping our heads down to work, it seems we’ve left the community in the dark on a couple of items. Here’s a quick update to fill in the gaps.

Deposit Contract

Although the deposit contract has been written, tested, and formally verified, we are working to allow the BLS standardization to stablize prior to launch. One goal of eth2 is to be easily interoperable with other blockchains and systems in general, and to that end, we do not want our BLS signatures to go the way of keccak (whoops!).

The BLS Standard (BLS Signature, Hash to Curve) has reached a point of stability recently with a number of blockchain teams on board (Eth2, Chia, Filecoin, Algorand, etc). There is an IETF meeting in November at which we expect the draft to be even more cemented. That said, official standards can take quite a while so those involved plan to signal public support for the draft and have a “blockchain agreement” to use the standard as drafted regardless of its final form in IETF. That way, if it becomes the keccak of signatures, we won’t be there alone. :)

Fortunately, the deposit contract does not need to be put into production until we near Phase 0 launch, so this focus on standardization is not expected to have any effect on the Phase 0 launch date.

Eth2 Testnets

If you follow ethresearch, the specs repo, or any of the many workshops at Devcon, we have altered the sharding proposal in such a way to greatly improve developer and user experience — cross-shard communication between all shards at every slot. To facilitate this improved design, we have to modify the Phase 0 spec a bit. To do this with limited disruption to Phase 0 development and testnets, we’ve gone the simplifying route — the removal of crosslinks entirely from Phase 0 (they were stubbed anyway). This change is coded and under final review here and is expected to be released for development within the week.

We expect multi-client public testnets to launch soon after this simplifying change is completed, for this update to aid Phase 0’s progress to mainnet, and ultimately to make Phases 1 and 2 easier to ship.

Eth2 testnets are coming! Individual clients are in the process of spinning on some nets for both private and public consumption. Many clients are just getting their eth1-to-eth2 machinery in place so these single-client testnets are useful in initially testing that component. On these nets there will be some limited cross-client testing, but will be largely stable due to having a majority single-client.

Once clients adequately test larger single-client nets and once they have time to incorporate the Phase 0 changes, we will be full speed ahead on public multi-client nets. We’re just as excited about this as you are and will be publishing more info on participation (staking your eth) in both testnets and mainnet shortly. Casper is indeed coming.

Ethereum block gas limit increase and state growth by Alexey Akhunov.

Train, Planes & Network Upgrades: A regular release cadence for Ethereum 1.x: how to get a regular release cadence for Eth1. Hard forks happen on a schedule, EIPs go in when they’re ready and agreed to.

Celer State Channel Full Specification and Design Principles Walkthrough: Celer’s state channels specification walkthrough.

Optimistic rollup Q&A with Plasma Group.

An overview of rollup, both zk and optimistic.

Development tools

3Box’s chatbox plugin, free and real-time decentralized chat with IPFS and libp2p.

ERC20 compliance verification tool.

Truffle v5.0.41 with some debugger improvements.

Implementing holographic consensus on Aragon, pt 4.

SCSVS, a security checklist.

CheezeWizards had a bug.

Chainstack’s free access to shared Eth nodes.

Wyre v2 for your fiat onramps. lower fees, simpler KYC, better frontend.

Alethio opensources its scraper and indexer.

AirScript v0.5 for STARKs.

web3js v1.2.2 — TypeScript support, transaction signing and confirmation changes, new JSON RPC method, and bloom filters.

OpenZeppelin Test Helpers v0.5.

Guide to using Dai in your code.

Istanbul’s SLOAD reprice to 800 gas breaks contract interactions.

Eth.Build — Austin Griffith’s new series of tutorials with a dev sandbox

Governance and new standards proposals

EIP2315: Simple subroutines for the EVM.

Year of the DAO turned out into the Year of the MolochDAO.

ProgPoW: This Trello board being put together by Scott Lewis, Trent Van Epps, and Andrew is a great resource for keeping up on all of the talking points & arguments while this Kialo dashboard organizes all of the arguments into a Pros and Cons view.

Check out Istanbul hard fork wiki.


Discussion thread for Hardfork Meta

The list of EIPs in 1679 are the canonical status of EIPs

This will be maintained as an overview page, can also view the Istanbul GitHub Project in the ECH repo to track progress.

James Hancock has created an automated Google Sheet that covers additional milestones


The deadline for EIP proposals for Istanbul was May 17th. All of these EIPs intend to prepare for inclusion in Istanbul, but Core Dev acceptance, implementation, testing, audits, and other work needs to be done to prepare them. Each EIP has a “discussion-to” link where you can find more information, usually on the EthMagicians Core EIPs forum.

EIP 615: Subroutines and Static Jumps for the EVM

EIP 1057: ProgPoW, a Programmatic Proof-of-Work (contingent on positive audit results) — @IfDefElse

EIP 1108: Reduce alt_bn128 precompile gas costs — @zac-williamson

EIP 1283: Net gas metering for SSTORE without dirty maps @sorpass

EIP 1344: Add ChainID opcode — @fubuloubu

EIP 1352: Specify restricted address range for precompiles/system contracts

EIP 1380: Reduced gas cost for call to self — @axic @jacqueswww

EIP 1559: Fee market change for ETH 1.0 chain

EIP 1965: Method to check if a chainID is valid at a specific block Number

EIP 1702: Generalized account versioning scheme — @sorpaas

EIP 1706: Disable SSTORE with gasleft lower than call stipend

EIP 1803: Rename opcodes for clarity — @axic

EIP 1829: Precompile for Elliptic Curve Linear Combinations @remco

EIP 1884: Reprice Opcodes + optional new opcode, @holiman — Discuss

EIP 1930: CALLs with strict gas semantic. Revert if not enough gas available

EIP 2028: Calldata gas cost reduction

Ecosystem updates

Legendre PRF bounty smart contract instructions.

ENS Launches Multi-Coin Support, 15 Wallets to Integrate: Use one ENS name for your cryptotokens on every chain, 24 wallets onboard.

Diving into Ethereum Gas Prices: Data on the Eth gas market.

Everything you can do with your ENS name right now.

3Box Hub Search: Discover users on 3Box with their ETH address. You can now search for people on 3Box.

The Next Wave of DeFi Users: A UX Research Study: Kevin Kim’s DeFi UX research study.

Gitcoin’s Q3 Match: The Radical Results.

Introducing: Activate by Codefi Networks: A new way of launching and participating in decentralized networks.

ETH East: Tokyo Drifting through Japan Blockchain Week: Notes from Unblock Japan,, and the latest on Civil, Codefi, and decentralised finance.

Increasing Security with Blockchain Database Encryption via PegaSys Plus: In the run-up to launching the PegaSys Plus Ethereum client, the PegaSys team explains why enterprises need data encryption.

Joe Lubin’s Full Speech from Devcon 5: How We Get to a Decentralized World Wide Web: The dangers of today’s Web, 3 milestones for blockchain, and a call for Ethereum developers.

Check out all Devcon5 main stage videos

Projects updates


OpenZKP, 0x at Devcon 5, and Gods Unchained Raises $15 million: Ecosystem Update, September 2019. OpenZKP, 0x at Devcon 5, Gods Unchained Raises $15 million and more from 0x in their monthly ecosystem update.


Final details for Aragon Network Vote #4:

Following a one-week delay enacted by the Aragon Association Board of Directors, Aragon Network Vote #4 is scheduled to begin on October 31, 2019 at 16:00 UTC.

Since the previous Aragon Network vote, a total of sixteen proposals were submitted for review before the deadline. The Aragon Association Board of Directors reviewed and then voted to approve fifteen of those proposals, which will now move on to the ballot to be voted on by ANT holders.

Here is the list of AGPs that ANT holders will be voting on in Aragon Network Vote #4:

AGP-81: Common court with Kleros

AGP-84: Adding Flock track to AGP-1

AGP-87: AraCon 2020

AGP-88: Community Rewards DAO

AGP-89: Modify Aragon Network Fiscal Year

AGP-90: 1Hive DAO Sponsorship Proposal

AGP-92: Flock Funding for Frame

AGP-103: Aragon Network Budget

AGP-104: Aragon App Mining

AGP-105: Allow finance proposals that could otherwise fit in Nest or Flock

AGP-106: Develop Aragon Chain

AGP-112: Oppose any change to Ethereum’s mining algorithm before Ethereum 2.0

AGP-116: Comprehensive Aragon Bug Bounty Program

AGP-117: Comprehensive Aragon Security Review Program

AGP-118: Aragon Comprehensive Legal Review Program

You can find a list of forum threads where each proposal is being discussed in the Aragon Network Vote #4 Megathread on the Aragon Forum.


Augur v2 & Beyond: Creating the worlds most accessible, no limit betting platform.

Basic Attention Token:

Brave reaches 8 million monthly active users and delivers nearly 400 privacy-preserving ad campaigns.

Accurately Predicting Ad Blocker Savings.


Pay Coinbase Commerce merchants directly with your Coinbase account.

How the Coinbase Security team deployed CTFd to Power our First Capture the Flag contest at Defcon 27.

Connext Network:

Dai Card on Connext v2.0: What’s new and how to upgrade your legacy Card. Send Dai back and forth for free.

Connext v1 Deprecation: Please upgrade to v2.0 ASAP.


Game Jam 2019: The results are in! From games and arcades to museums, scenes and everything in between.

Game Jam creations too good to ignore: So hard to say goodbye.


district0x Dev Update — October 29th, 2019: Development progress and product changes from district0x.

The District Weekly — October 26th: News and updates from the district0x Network.

The District Weekly — October 19th.

district0x Dev Update — October 15th, 2019.


October 2019 — The Gnosis Monthly Development Update: Keeping up with the Gnosis developers.

Maker DAO:

Governance Poll: Should we keep at least a 10 million Dai buffer in the debt ceiling until the launch of MCD?

Governance Poll: Stability Fee Adjustment — October 28, 2019.

Executive Vote: Lower the Stability fee by 4% to a total of 5.5% per year.

MCD Security Roadmap Update: October 2019. This update from Maker goes over the findings from Maker’s Bug Bounty Program, MCD formal verification and audit report results, and progress updates on their Integration Partner Program.


Multi-Coin ENS Support in MEW: One Name for All Crypto Wallets.

Ocean Protocol:

Ocean Protocol and IPFS, Sitting In The Merkle Tree: IPFS is now integrated into the Ocean stack, allowing you to take advantage of decentralized asset file hosting.

Ocean Protocol v1.1 Released: A minor maintenance update with some new features: IPFS file hosting integration, new Events-Handler component, and Commons as default UI in Barge.

All hands on deck: Meet the new Mates: Learn about the newest additions to the Ocean fleet.


OmiseGO Joins the Universal Protocol Alliance.

OmiseGO at the OFFDevcon DeFi Dinner.

Integration Team Update 35.

Building a Production Ready Layer 2 Solution — Unblock Tokyo.


Gather: Why a Decentralized Blockchain Platform is the Only Sustainable Answer to the Price Hike.

People of Parity: Benjamin Kampmann.


Town Hall — Monday October 28, 2019.

Re-Introducing The Status Ambassadors — Join us in our mission.

Introducing Subspace: JS Reactive DApp Development Library.

Tips for Productive and Happy Remote-Working.


STORJ Token Balances and Flows Report: Q3 2019.

Architecting a Decentralized GitHub Backup.

Development Update 30 from Storj Labs.


Streamr — All hands on deck!

Launching TX — how we’re realising enterprise adoption of open source technology.

Trinity protocol:

Trinity Biweekly Report — Early October.


Help test the new Zilliqa multisig wallet!

Zilliqa Technical Blog 22 October 2019 — Latest upgrade speeds up Smart Contract transactions; recorded execution time have reduced by up to 60 percent!

Zilliqa Community Update 15 October 2019 — Welcoming our New Head of Growth and Strategy.

Other project’s updates:

Upgrading Compound Governance. Compound Protocol v2.2: All Compound admin functions are now on a 2 day time delay.

Gitcoin Quests: Gamified web3 learning.

Set Protocol — Enabling Programmable Assets: Breaking down the different trading categories on TokenSets.

KyberSwap Limit Order 2.0: New features for an enhanced trading experience!

The DeFi Series — Statistics Around DAI Stablecoin: A bunch of great Alethio stablecoin data viz.

Thomson Reuters and OpenLaw Combine Blockchain-Driven Smart Contracts with Document Automation Technology: ThomsonReuters and OpenLaw proof of concept on executing parts of legal contracts on Ethereum.

Introducing, STLD Exchange: STLD Exchange will do instant payouts to winners on Augur v2.

Achieving Meta Model Supremacy At Numerai: Numerai achieves “Meta Model supremacy.” And the tourney now running on Erasure.

Switching from asteroid mining to blockchain: ConsenSys Space unveils TruSat satellite tracker: a satellite tracking platform for amateur stargazers.

Introducing, 3Box Chatbox Plugin: Drop-in chatrooms for your decentralized app. Chatbox is a 3Box plugin which enables dapp developers to add chatrooms to their react Ethereum application with a few lines of code.

How MetaMask backs up wallet data with 3Box: 3Box Partner Series.

Multis and TokenSets team up to help companies grow their crypto: TokenSets Added to Multis and Zerion. Companies can now gain exposure four TokenSets strategies directly from their Multis dashboard.

New Uniswap Interface Released: The site is a new web interface to the Uniswap contracts that were developed as part of an Ethereum Foundation grant. Using this interface you can instantly convert between Ethereum and any other ERC-20 token. You can also become a liquidity provider and earn about 3% APR for the ERC20 tokens you are not using.

Wyre — Onramps, solved. Introducing Wyre V2, a major upgrade for Wyre and includes a brand new simple KYC flow (using Apple Pay and Google Pay), lower fees, more customization options and much more.

New DDEX Margin Trading & Lending Platform Is Live: After two months of closed beta testing, the new DDEX is officially open for all users.

Disclosure: Forking Cheeze Wizards Smart Contracts, All Funds (and Wizards!) are Secure: Some players will get an extra Wizard in the tournament contract the team is calling Cheeze Wizards: Unpasteurized. Within 24 hours of letting their player community know about Cheeze Wizards hitting Ethereum mainnet, one of the Cheeze Wizards community members alerted Dapper Labs security auditors to a bug in the smart contract. Unfortunately the only way the team can fix the bug is by deploying a new contract. Read the post for a full breakdown of the ingenius way that Dapper Labs is handling this incident.

GridPlus Mini Update: October 25, 2019: Justin Leroux from GridPlus updates us on the recent work done on the Lattice1, the GridPlus Energy initiative, and recent developer outreach efforts.

The Aave Protocol released on public Testnet: The release of the public testnet (Kovan Network) of the Aave protocol, including the documentation, the new website, and a developers portal, went live this week.

Fuel: Scaling Token Payments 10x Today, 50x in the Near Future: A future with sustainable, trustless scaling for Ethereum. Now Live: This website tracks various metrics for DAOs such as Maker, Digix, Aragon and Moloch with many more to come!

Torque Crypto Loans Now Live: is the first platform for fixed rate indefinite term loans on Ethereum. It allows you to borrow against your ETH or ERC20 tokens.

Announcing: Axie Infinity X Samsung Blockchain Integration: Axie Infinity Teams up With Samsung. Samsung has added support for Axie Infinity to the Samsung Blockchain Wallet. Axie will be listed in the Dapp section of and can be played through a web 3 browser Our first Dapp for Weight loss: lose weight or your ETH deposit gets burned.

Sacramento Kings Partner with CryptoKaiju to Launch First Physical Crypto-Collectible in Professional Sport: The Sacramento Kings NBA franchise to do physical/NFT collectibles for winners of their monthly scavenger hunts.

HKDai, live on Ropsten:

Check biweekly updates by Paradigm:

Opinion and research articles

Special-purpose light clients for old receipts and transactions by Vitalik Buterin.

Implementing cross-shard transactions: Vitalik on sharding.

Responding to 51% attacks in Casper FFG: Vitalik on Casper.

Adding anonymization to MACI.

Eth2 shard chain simplification proposal:

TLDR: Key Points

  • There is no longer (much of) a concept of a persistent shard chain. Instead, every shard block is directly a crosslink. Proposer proposes, crosslink committee approves, done.
  • Shard count is reduced from 1024 to 64. Shard block size is increased from (16 target, 64 cap) to (128 target, 512 cap) kB. Total capacity is 1.3–2.7 MB/s depending on slot time. Shard count and block size can be increased over time if desired, eg. eventually going up to 1024 shards / 1 MB blocks after 10 years.
  • Many simplifications at L1 and L2: (i) much less shard chain logic required, (ii) no need for layer-2 cross-shard acceleration as “native” cross-shard comms happen in 1 slot, (iii) no need for DEX to facilitate paying txfees across shards, (iv) EEs can become much simpler, (v) no need to mix serialization and hashing anymore
  • Main drawbacks: (i) more beacon chain overhead, (ii) longer shard block times, (iii) higher “burst” bandwidth reqs but lower “average” bandwidth reqs

A Formal Model in K of the Beacon Chain: Ethereum 2.0’s Primary Proof-of-Stake Blockchain by Musab A. Alturki, Denis Bogdanas, Chris Hathhorn and Daejun Park.

Transparent SNARKs from DARK Compilers by Benedikt B¨unz, Ben Fisch, Alan Szepieniec.

Press, podcasts, and videos

Vitalik Buterin: ETH 2.0 Driven by Simplified Sharding, Optimistic Rollups:

Host Tom Shaughnessy of Delphi Digital ( is joined by Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum to discuss his recent post titled: Eth2 shard chain simplification proposal. I this episode they discuss Vitalik’s view on how simplified sharding, and optimistic rollups could drive 100k transactions per second in one year. They also discuss the benefits of native cross shard communication that is enabled by this new scheme.

Vitalik Buterin, Co-Founder of Ethereum: On Eth 2.0, Finance, and China (Full Interview)

StarkWare — Productizing zk-STARKs to Provide Blockchain Scalability and Privacy on Epicenter.

An episode with Eli Ben Sasson, Co-founder and Cheif Scientist in the East at Starkware. His company is developing a full proof-stack, which leverages STARKs. Pioneered by Eli, STARKs are zero-knowledge cryptographic proofs, which are succinct, transparent, and post-quantum secure. StarkWare has demonstrated how zkSTARKs may be leveraged to provide off-chain scalability by generating proofs of computational integrity which may be verified on-chain.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Eli’s trajectory and transition from academia to the startup world
  • The origin story of Starkware and the founding team
  • The current explosion of zero-knowledge proof research
  • An overview of zero-knowledge proof systems and how they work
  • What are STARKs and what are their properties
  • How STARKs are different from SNARKs and Bulletproofs
  • What are zk-Rollups and how they are used by StarkWare to achieve scalability
  • The StarkDEX experiment and scalability benefits it had demonstrated
  • The issue of data availability with layer-2 scaling solutions
  • StarkWare’s business model and the solutions they are building for customers

Announcing Wyre V2 and the Future of Payments in Crypto on Wyre Talks.

In this episode of Wyre Talks, they’re discussing key trends in the payments industry over the last five years, digging into the rise of challenger banks and how regulations have influenced the evolution of the space. They introduce the concept of strong customer authentication (SCA), explaining how it’s creating a liability shift from merchants to banks, and explore the slow pace of regulatory change in the US as compared to Europe.

Jack weighs in on the brilliance of WeChat Pay and China’s influence in the realm of device-based payments, and they look at the anticipated timeline for widespread adoption of contactless value exchange. Finally, Michael weighs in on the way hardware providers are hedging out of chargeback risk through biometric authentication and the telling link between payments and identity.

Think a DAO Will Automate Things? Think Again on Unchained.

Episode 22: Clovers Part 2 (post-launch) with Billy Rennekamp on Wizard of Dapps.

Post-Devcon5 catch-up with Tarun, James & Georgios on Zero Knowledge:

In this episode, Anna catches up with Tarun Chitra (Gauntlet Networks), James Prestwich (Summa) and Georgios Konstantopoulos on the last day of Devcon5 in Osaka. In this special 99th episode, they cover a broad range of topics from their Devcon take-aways, emerging ideas in the ecosystem, the latest in PoS systems, Roll-up and DeFi, to the explosion in zero knowledge research, and more.

They mention the following episodes, presentations and articles:

89 — Fight Night IX: Wyre & On-Ramps, EIP 1559, Ether Seigniorage, New Sharding Spec on POV Crypto:

Upcoming events


Information from (October 29th, 2019):

Ryan Sean Adams compares monetary policy of ETH and BTC.

ETH’s monetary policy is underrated: Part 2 of 2: A contrast between the monetary policies of BTC and ETH.

EIP1559: The Final Puzzle Piece to ETH’s Monetary Policy. EIP 1559 is the final component to Ethereum’s economic system. It solves the UX surrounding gas management, but it does so much more.

The Speculative Case For $1000 ETH (If Ethereum Is Valued As A Fiat Payment & FinTech Platform): Zero Hedge says $1000 ETH valuation as a stablecoin platform.


When I came up with Ethereum, my first thought was, ‘Okay, this thing is too good to be true.’ As it turned out, the core Ethereum idea was good — fundamentally, completely sound.

Vitalik Buterin

Constantinople is successful so far.


Istanbul is planned for Q4 of 2019. Planned date is October 16th, 2019, 12:00pm UTC.

More details on the road to Istanbul.

Next Timelines

Cheesy Hardfork 6 Month Schedule

Current discussion is on moving towards a 6-month cycle. Danno is leading discussion on a Cheesy Hardfork Schedule

  • “Asiago” April 2020
  • “Brie” October 2020

Serenity / ETH2

Serenity is meant to move from consensus through Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stake.

See the ETH2 Specs Github Repo.

The ETH2 Project Management repo holds ongoing notes and meetings.

Phase zero of Ethereum 2.0, which enables Proof of Stake, is targeted to launch on the 3rd of January 2020.

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Ethereum community continues to grow. There is constant slight growth in Ethereum social media channels these weeks.

Twitter (Ethereum) — Official announcement channel.

Twitter (Ethereum Network) — News from DApps.

Twitter (Ethereum Report) — Retweets from official announcement channel and team members’ pages.

Facebook — Official announcement channel. Recent publications — about Ethereum Core Devs Meetings, conferences.

Reddit — News about projects, links to interviews, podcasts, upcoming events.

YouTube (Ethereum) — Last video on July 27th, 2017 (5000–20 000 views per video).

YouTube (Ethereum Foundation) — Videos from conferences, meetups, Ethereum Core Devs Meetings.

Check out Ethereum Community and Fellowship of Ethereum Magicians forums.

There is a constant slight growth in the Ethereum community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Ethereum Reddit subscribers, Twitter followers, and Facebook likes. The information is taken from

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

Main sources

Ethereum official social media

Ethereum subreddits

Core Devs Meetings

Eth2.0 Implementers Calls

ConsenSys blog


Week in Ethereum by Evan Van Ness

What’s New in Eth2 by Ben Edgington

Projects build on Ethereum official blogs

Ethereum in news

Crypto Twitter in general

