Polytheist Problems Newsletter #7 — Tarot & Growth

Eraes Ellis
Polytheist Problems
Sent as a


3 min readFeb 18, 2020
Photo by Stanislav Kondratiev on Unsplash

And in this newsletter, I officially stop promising to send out timely newsletters! It’s just not going to happen! I will apologize for that, though (I’m sorry!)

In the last few weeks, we’ve had some wonderful productivity from our very own Jay Squires — we have a new writer: welcome aboard, Heather Havens! — Helianthos provided two insightful and deeply personal stories — and I myself managed to write one (1) whole story about a very private part of my religion.

Without further ado, here’s what we’ve covered~

Rilke and Apollon Sminthius — and an Addendum by Helianthos

[Meanings of epithets] won’t be something that can be considered a historical discovery in a wider sense, as imposing the things you perceive from a deity during a one-on-one conversation onto others who don’t necessarily agree with your theology or interpretations is how cults — toxic cults, not cults in the purely historical sense — get started.

[…] I don’t want to leave any room for someone to misinterpret what I meant, and I feel like if I don’t lead every interaction with absolute clarity about my boundaries, then I deserve to have those boundaries ignored. This isn’t true, of course, and it’s an unsustainable way to live one’s life in general, let alone with a deity who is known for finding clarity in obliqueness —

What’s In A God?Eraes Ellis

Making a god starts with believing in a thought. I mean, really believing. If I was going to make a god, I wasn’t going to half-ass it. My handmade god isn’t someone I believe in for fun. He has an altar, offerings, and most importantly, a place in my heart of hearts.

Jay’s Love Affair With the Tarots Jay Squires

Over the last month and a half, Jay has finished up the Minor Arcana — including all of the Courts! Here’s a brief breakdown of them:

The TensYou are going to be reading for twenty-first-century people, not medieval figures. You must be able to make that mental shift, that transposition of energy to the baffled person sitting before you.

The Court Wands & continued Take special note of the wand. Compare it with the wands of other court members, noting particularly the new growth, the leaves. This is significant.

The Court Pentacles They can be quite deep. As deep as Karma that is dredged from the soul. But Pentacles represent the shadow of that Karma as well, which is what is presented to the world, following the individual to whom it is attached throughout his/her/their journey.

The Court Cups The primary purpose of a cup is to hold liquid. The cup she holds, however, is more like an altar, very decorative, ornate, with the protrusions, like spigots right and left.

The Court Swords In terms of natural numerology, the queen is in the position of equilibrium, balance. She is not yet born to her full potential. She is in transformation, in the larval state.

And so now, we delve into The Major Arcana:

The Fool We are all Fools.

The Magician At the atomic level, all is potential. All is spirit. All is holy.

That wraps up everything! Thanks for supporting us, and of course, if you would like to be a writer yourself, you need only head on over the Rules & Guidelines and leave a comment!

All my best,



Eraes Ellis
Polytheist Problems

⭐they/them⭐Eraes is a non-binary, aspiring novelist with 2 black cats & a thirst for love stories. https://ko-fi.com/beansimulator