Chasing for Miracles

Miracles happen when you don’t expect them.

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children
3 min readFeb 24, 2021


Photo by Robson Hatsukami Morgan on Unsplash

What is spirituality ? In her text The Impossibility of Merging our Divine & Physical Lives, Katrina Bos gives us a part of the answer.

Because we tend to view the world in very physical ways — through our five senses — we try to do this through doing spiritual things. We go to church. We spend time in prayer and meditation. We burn incense. It is mixing these spiritual things into our work/play/responsibilities that make us feel like we are on a spiritual path.

But this isn’t where miracles happen.

How to get more divine into the physical life ? We recall moments of wonder, not like an history but like a nugget in our souls, when physical and divine were one. Our physical reality is so cut in tiny bits that we have a tiny power to go between the two realities and our moments where both are merged are rare and precious like a white stone on our way.

Much food for our souls :

  1. LIN received a channeling with Something Is Coming, she is pondering about channelings and about the content of them.
  2. Esther George, in Quantum Entangled Hearts, writes a poem about our connection so deeper and wider than time.
  3. Jean Carfantan, in Ripping off What You are Given to with Love, writes a poem about how fear prevent us to see Love and Abundance.
  4. Nalini MacNab, in The Goddess Cycle, narrates the 7 years when the Goddess came to her under several aspects.
  5. Jean Carfantan, in Intimacy, Mysticism and Boundaries, shows how these 3 notions are articulated together and invites in a prompt.
  6. Denise G, in Everything, writes a poem of love.(intimacy prompt)
  7. Beth Stormont, in Two Directions, evokes the new law of attraction for manifesting a better life.
  8. 𝘋𝘪𝘢𝘯𝘢 𝘊., in Libre Comme L’air, evokes the freedom we felt as a child.
  9. Esther George, in This Is Why We Pursue Intimacy, speaks along about intimacy, transparency and autonomy. (intimacy prompt)
  10. LIN, in Human Apathy, asks where is kindness gone?
  11. LIN, in The House, evokes secrets and guilt in a poem.
  12. Katrina Bos, in My First Encounter with True Intimacy, relates how she met a man who has had a big influence on her life and you’ll know the meaning of the verb to grok. (intimacy prompt)
  13. Marcus, in The Goddesses Currency, writes a tanka with evocative words, side by side. (intimacy prompt)
  14. Anthi Psomiadou, in Upward Nightly Walk, takes us away for a cosmic walk and talk.
  15. Elle Beau ❇︎, in Intimacy, Boundaries, and the Self, recounts how she risked all she had to live the life she knew was hers. (intimacy prompt)
  16. Chinyere Okoh, in Celebration of Motherhood!, writes a poem dedicated to all mothers….thank you for your strength and resilience. For without them, we are lost and left unprotected in this harsh world.

Chinyere Okoh is welcome as a new writer in our community. Read her portrait in How to Find The Courage to Move On.

We began with a miracle and we finish a miracle: Mariachi Static On The Radio.

You know what ? This publication is a weekly miracle where we wonder together.



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)