Belongings: prompt

Nothing Belongs To Us

Not even our body

Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children


Photo by Alice Alinari on Unsplash

We don’t take anything away but consciousness with what you have learned and how you radiate with Love on this planet.

This is why you feel so better when you get rid of old things, old patterns and old visions. You get back the power you gave to these old things with the illusion of permanency.

Our cruising speed is 10 jewels a week, + 1 newsletter:

  1. Alexandra Blue, in Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen To Good People?, speaks philosophy with the Invisible.
  2. Ann Litts, in If Wishes Were Horses…, tells us how manifestation comes from ego or Higher Self. (answer to the prompt attachment)
  3. Gita Das, in Where’s the Watchman?, narrates an impressive story, I don’t want to unveil too much.
  4. Gurpreet Dhariwal,in I Am Me. And That’s Enough., tells us how detachment is difficult. (answer to the prompt attachment)
  5. Beth Stormont, in Ode to My Beloved, proposes a poem to us about a great man.
  6. Jean Carfantan, in Permanence, launches the prompt about permanence, spealiong about ascension.
  7. Beth Stormont, in Let the Soul Soar, writes this poem as like a cry of freedom for the soul.
  8. Nalini MacNab, in Presence: Ever in Motion, shares her thoughts about how we interact with an ever moving universe. (answer to the prompt permanence)
  9. Jenine Bsharah Baines, in Little Green Wonderland, writes a poem about her wondrous magical garden.(answer to the prompt permanence)
  10. Ann Litts, in The Only Constant In Life, writes an ode to the change as the definition of our journey on Earth. (answer to the prompt permanence)

I wish you to go with the flow this week, letting God.

Love, Jean



Midway (Jean Carfantan)
Queen’s Children

Hypnotherapist, initiator, inspirer, always exploring where my Higher Self leads me to. (in English--en, French or Spanish --es)