Top Stories published by Sample 3 in June of 2012

5 things every presenter needs to know about people

Watch Susan Weinschenk, a behavioral psychologist, speak about what makes an effective presentation. I highly suggest you check out her blog,, which is filled with lots of great tips and insights. Hey tagline there…

How do you feel about getting old?

Pfizer recently launched, a platform designed to “encourage and support a dialogue around the notion of getting older and living better”.

The site features a mix of user generated stories along with social content aggregated from…

Responsive Web Design Meetup Recap

This past Thursday, CDMiConnect hosted the first NYC Responsive Web Design (RWD) Meetup at our space on 200 Varick. The event featured people from various disciplines (UX, visual design, development, project management, and digital strategy). Talks were given by Pon…

Play Super Mario Bros Using Playdough and Paper

Make a controller out of anything using a simple DIY invention kit from Makey Makey. The idea started as a research project from two guys at the MIT Media Lab and later became a Kickstarter project.

Users are Bored with Facebook

Alexel Oreskovic reports on Reuters about a poll released last week that revealed people are getting bored with Facebook.

Reuters teamed up with Ipsos to gather data in an online poll.

  • Four out of five Facebook users have…