Day 7 — Momentum happens when you stop caring about your feeling

Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path
4 min readMay 24, 2017

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing — that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar

In a few years all the people that LIKED your FB posts are going to be dead. All the top “authors” in Medium will be gone.

The amount of Instagram photos you posted will be 100% useless and if you achieved that CEO position or not in your next job… it will be simply irrelevant.

The reality is : nobody knows who the CEO of Lycos used to be… or who the hell founded Altavista and even more important


Yes, sorry Mr Entrepreneur , Mr over-achiever, I have some tough love heading your way.
Sadly enough, If your product got featured in ProductHunt last year… NOBODY CARES and if you got 27 SHARES on your last Blog post, the real world doesn’t give a shit.

Stop bragging about your stats, about your pride, about your hard work, about your latest blog post. Stop letting your feelings guide your action.

The reality is … people are so busy that you failure, your rise, your misery, or your need for attention, it’s 100% irrelevant.

NEWSFLASH: Nobody wakes up in the morning and wonder…

I hope Evander Holyfield ear is doing FINE today!

Because his ear… or his lack of ear, it’s irrelevant. (EVEN IF WE ALL SAW THAT BITE!!!)

Britney got married in Vegas again? Nobody cares

New Kids on the Block are touring again after 74 years? Nobody cares

Sorry sunshine.
It is what it is…

we are all mini Vincent Van Gogh’s thinking we suck and hoping the universe feels sorry about “our situation” , when in reality life is so fast… ~ that nobody ~ not even your followers, fans, clients, customers, employees, or friends ~ REALLY care.

So let me start by being honest and let you know my “FEELINGS” about this idea of launching an Agency

  1. I’m too old. (I’m 39…but I feel 79 sometimes)
  2. I live in CANDELO , NSW. Population 723 (+1 since little Luca our amazing baby arrived) … so I ask myself daily… who can build an Agency in the middle of nowhere??? What am I thinking? STOP DREAMING!!!
  3. English is not my first language = therefor I’m going to fail.
  4. EVERYONE IS READING THIS NOW… oh God… it was been 6 days. Am I making a fool of myself?
  5. What if I FAIL? = I bet the “real agencies” are going to laugh.
  6. What if i don’t make 20K per month in 90 days? then what? Should I work in McDonalds???? → oh wait!!! there is no McDonalds in Candelo! OMG I’m doomed!

Yes. Fear, fear, fear. Emotions after emotions.

But the truth is that “feelings’ are a normal part of this game… and in fact the more we do in life… the more we feel.


…., the more we do, the more momentum we achieve, and with momentum something magical happens: ACTION start to take over our feelings.

And with action my feelings become a secondary, low class priority.
Yes: I become a Robocob… and my main priority is my need to perform, to find solutions to create, to write, to sell, to grow.

Today I pitched 2 SEO deals for E-commerce Store, one new web design, and started working on the content for the Agency — I also started to work on the the Social media accounts and starting to record my series of videos…. (Yes Goanna social is going on video Baby. Arriba!!!)

Amount spent on Feelings? ZERO.

Yes. I’m scared. I get concerned. I feel like running away… but “those feelings” are once again lower class citizens in my brain. and that is the secret to progress.

Not 100% happy with the branding but it will do

Day #7 Stats Goanna Social

Day #7 Hours worked: 8

Overal Hours worked: 46

Funds: $19805.25 AUD

Spent : $7 (Graphic River Logo Vector)

Income : $0
(not yet received but $3500 recurrent deal closed)

Phone calls: 4

Emails sent: 2

FB / Lead generation interaction: 2

Active Leads: 5

Proposals sent: 2

Feeling: Focused like f.

83 days to go.

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Gabriel Machuret
The Lead Generation Path

SEO & ASO Consultant and Internet Marketing Expert — Founder of Startup founders