Quickie: What Is Bad Sex?

Sexual performance is in the eye of the beholder

Kiki Wellington
Sex…With a Side of Quirk


A man and woman in their underwear sitting on the bed looking dissatisfied after bad sex
Photo by PKpix on DepositPhotos

Some people believe sex is like pizza, so even when it’s bad, they still think it’s pretty good. But that’s not necessarily the case for many lovers. In fact, according to a survey of 2,000 people by Pure Romance, 30 percent of them will give a new partner just one chance to wow them in the bedroom. If the sexual performance is lackluster, they will quickly break things off after that disappointing encounter.

Luckily, most people aren’t that quick to kick a new partner out of bed. On average, people will give someone 4.5 chances to impress them in bed before giving up on the relationship.

And what are the bad sex habits that can ruin a connection? For men, these are the ingredients of bad sex that will make them kick someone out of the bedroom:

  • Not having an orgasm (41 percent)
  • No foreplay (36 percent)
  • Partner wants oral sex but won’t reciprocate (29 percent)
  • Sex finishing too fast (29 percent)
  • Erection problems caused by alcohol (29 percent)

On the other hand, these are the bad sex habits that make women give a sexual encounter low marks:

