Product Decoded: Interview with Todd Yellin, VP Product, Netflix

Product Decoded Season 1 | Episode 3

Gibson Biddle
Spero Ventures
2 min readApr 25, 2018


Todd Yellin, Vice President of Product at Netflix, shares his passion for story-telling, personalization, design, and how he works to delight more than 120M Netflix members worldwide through both “aiming high and aiming low.”

Todd Yellin, current VP of Product, with Gibson Biddle, former VP of Product.

In the third episode of the Product Decoded podcast, I’m the host! It’s great fun for me because when I was the VP of Product at Netflix, I hired Todd as a product manager and now he’s VP of Product. The two of us are happily reunited for this podcast.

Here’s some of the “dirt” and juicy insight from Todd:

  • Why “smashing idols” is important in product innovation
  • Why Netflix no longer relies on a five-star movie rating system
  • How Todd learned to “let go” in order to grow as a VP-level leader
  • The “superpowers” Todd relies on as a product manager
  • The trade-offs between intimacy and impact as companies transition from startup to the world-class company that Netflix is today.
Left: Todd Yellin, Right: Gibson Biddle

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Gibson Biddle
Spero Ventures

Former VP/CPO at Netflix/Chegg. Now speaker, teacher, & workshop host. Learn more here: or here: