Top Stories published by Square Corner Blog in October of 2013

A journey on the Android Main Thread — PSVM

From PSVM to loopers and handlers

Written by Pierre-Yves Ricau.

Heads up, we’ve moved! If you’d like to continue keeping up with the latest technical content from Square please…

Hardware at Square

Our philosophy of hardware design and production.

Written by Lindsay Wiese.

Heads up, we’ve moved! If you’d like to continue keeping up with the latest technical content from Square please visit us at our new…

Square’s Open Approach to Code

A quarter of a million lines of code later.

Written by Lindsay Wiese.

Heads up, we’ve moved! If you’d like to continue keeping up with the latest technical content from Square please visit us at…

Square Corner Blog
Buying and selling sound like simple things - and they should be. Somewhere along the way, they got complicated. At Square, we're working hard to make commerce easy for everyone.
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