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Why DigiByte? (Feb 2020 edition)

I wrote an article a LONG time ago now, back in mid 2017 on my DigiByte Guides website (This was before we had dgbwiki.com to put guides and information on). I registered a domain to write a few guides for people to help with mining and the likes. At the time it was…

บันทึก DeFi from Kulap Live

วันนี้ ระหว่างนั่งเล่นว่าง ๆ เลยจดบันทึกระหว่างฟัง TonHor กับ Nattapon Nimakul

FinTech = Finance + Technology (บริการโอนเงิน)
DeFi = Decentralize Finance เช่น กลุ่ม MakerDAO, Kyber etc…. (มีการให้บริการกู้เงิน ฝากเงิน)

VXV Vector Space AI

The company is from Malta/USA company who have partnered with Elastic (elastic.co), Elastic is “the company behind the Elastic Stack — that’s Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash”. Elastic trades on NYSE under ticker ESTC at 74$ today and the company cap is “6 Billion”. VXV market cap…

Web 3.0 Biweekly V (3 Feb 2020– 16 Feb 2020)

  1. Web 3.0 Bootcamp. Web3 Foundation teamed up with Parity, Wanxiang Blockchain Labs…