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The refreshing simplicity of compiling Formality to anything

Formality is a new programming language featuring theorem proving that, unlike most in the category, is designed to have a familiar syntax and run efficiently. I often associate it with “optimal interaction-net runtimes” that…

Dogecoin API and its usage

Crypto APIs supports Dogecoin API among the rest of blockchain protocols. Firstly founded in 2013, Dogecoin…

Crypto Prices Love Valentine’s Day

Bitcoin (BTC) has reached a record-high price for the year, and as the run-up to $10,000 occurred…


上篇什麼是區塊鏈的共識機制?中提到,常見的區塊鏈共識機制有PoW(工作量證明)、PoS(權益證明),幣扶社區則是採用POC(Proof of Capacity)的機制來運作。今天將針對PoW(工作量機制)進行相關的優缺點介紹:

