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Sustainability of the Cosmos Network: A Statement from the Interchain Foundation

On Monday, February 3, statements were made on Twitter about Jae Kwon in his role as CEO of All In Bits (dba Tendermint Inc). While it is widely recognized that Jae is a brilliant technical…

The Diagrammer

The Diagrammer Series — When Money Left The Tangible Asset Space

Using data models over Ethereum blockchain with EthAir Balloons

Original article posted in DEV.to

Back to basics:
First of all, let’s remember what blockchains are: A blockchain in Layman’s terms is a kind of distributed database that offers more transparency

An Update on TezosKit

I’m thrilled to announce TezosKit has received a grant from the Tezos Foundation to build additional features for Tezos…

DAO — Decentralized Autonomous Organization

Horizen has the long-term goal of moving its organizational structure towards a DAO…

Video Games, Blockchain, and 5 Years Later
Sean Dudley

Hi Evan Gunning :) you are right that companies can do that already, but (here is the big big but) what happens when a company goes out of business? Or a company’s server crashes (looses data)? What happens when a company censors player’s ownership of content they payed for? What happens when companies decide to just print 5000 more of your unique…