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Skynet Virtual Hackathon

Build a Free Internet

Last week the Sia team launched Skynet, a decentralized CDN and file sharing platform for application developers. Skynet enables high speed, low cost, and superior infrastructure to serve as the storage foundation for a free…

The Decred Drive (Feb 27)

Welcome to The Decred Drive. Every Thursday this brief newsletter highlights top-notch Decred content from the

EthCC Voices: Charles Guillemet CTO of Ledger

Charles tells us why EthCC provides a great springboard for ideas to help Ledger

Nori is built as an application on the Ethereum blockchain
How to save the planet and make climate change “just go away” using blockchain and cryptocurrency
Paul Gambill

By one estimate, the energy expenditure for a single transaction on the Ethereum blockchain is equivalent to the energy consumption of a US household for an entire day. This, of course, has a carbon emissions implication, since not all the energy going into the Ethereum blockchain is green energy. How does Nori resolve this dilemma for its mission?

Idea #20 — Understanding Blockchain

This idea is part of Faveeo’s 20 Ideas For 2020 project! A special edition ideas bulletin in collaboration with our Influencer network. With this project we will be creating proper, guiding ideas that will inform future decision-makers and be spread to new audiences…