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Machine Learning

Building a text classification model with TensorFlow Hub and Estimators

By Sara Robinson, Developer Advocate

We often see transfer learning applied to computer vision models, but what about using it for text classification? Enter TensorFlow Hub, a…

The reason behind moving in the direction opposite to the Gradient

In this article I will be giving a mathematical intuition of gradient descent and the reason behind moving in the direction opposite to the gradient.

Guest Speaker Series: Professor Henry Estrada, Evergreen Valley College

This blog post was co-authored by michael korens

Professor Henry Estrada works in the Computer Science department at Evergreen Valley College in San Jose. When he gave his…

Notes for “A Few Useful Things to Know about Machine Learning”

P. Domingos. A few useful things to know about machine learning. Communications of the ACM, 55(10):78–87, 2012.

This paper focuses on “the most mature and widely used” machine learning type…


American director Woody Allen once said, “I don’t want to achieve immortality through my work. I…

Teaching ML Algos “I don’t know”

Here’s a tutorial for basic classification. It classifies 70,000 image data into ten categories. Let’s assume each image is the ground truth — each image is _somehow_ generated a physical item from each category. If the assumption holds, then the algorithm is always…

Criando um Bot para o Messenger Utilizando o Dialogflow

Em um post anterior (se você ainda não leu, você pode não entender este post), eu demonstrei como criar um bot para o Telegram e integrar ao Dialogflow (antigo Api.ai). Dessa forma, seguindo o padrão aqui do blog de sempre postar…

Dailyme #2018–08–15 揭秘菲律宾网络赌场、陆奇回归中国、英特尔处理器新漏洞

如果你对我挑选的话题感兴趣,欢迎订阅 Dailyio 会员服务,作为 I/O 会员计划的 2.0 产品,Dailyio 将继续通过付费的门槛过滤、筛选读者群体,让优质读者读到中文世界里的优秀科技商业评论。

  1. 《新京报》特稿:菲律宾网络博彩卧底调查。这篇文章揭开的故事触目惊心,国人走出去犯罪,还只坑自己人,正如文章所言,这是一个「专坑国人的『东方监狱』」
  2. 陆奇出任 YC

www.mattdata.com — Big Data Bible

Statistics has an enduring ability to brand itself with interminable, confusing and utterly forgettable terminology.

I used to castigate physics for the same thing but at least they have an excuse; they’re attempting to label billions of indescribable stuffs (i lay…