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Machine Learning


Author: Vinayak Joglekar, Co-Founder & CTO, Synerzip.

In an earlier posting we saw how ranking resumes can save time spent by recruiters and hiring managers in the recruitment process. We also saw that it lends…

A Binary Release for TensorFlow on the Raspberry Pi

In the past it wasn’t so easy to get TensorFlow installed onto the Raspberry Pi, but this time last year Pete Warden finally managed to successfully get it to cross-compile. From there he set up nightly builds running as part of Google’s…

AutoKeras: The Killer of Google’s AutoML
Practicus AI

Thanks for this post. I am highly interested in AutoML and recently made a quick text classification comparison between Google AutoML and H2O.ai twitter

Thought to add AutoKeras to this comparison but seems that it is designed for only image classification. It would be wonderful to see comparison of these three tools.

OU DALab @ DEEM Workshop (SIGMOD Series)

This post is the third in the SIGMOD 2018 series, click here for post 0, post 1.

On the final day of SIGMOD, we attended the DEEM workshop. DEEM is a workshop on Data Management for End-to-End Machine Learning. This workshop…

In this feature, we will tell you about the most interesting and promising Machine Learning technology use cases. You’ll find out that, currently, the concept can already resolve…