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Machine Learning

Silly Stock Trading on Onepanel.io GPUs

Our CEO Mathieu Lemay recently wrote an article on what various popular AI models see in…

Meet The Brains Behind Cosmose AI

Cosmose is committed to revolutionizing the relationship between online ads and offline ROI by…

Day 79 — Stateful LSTM



  1. Keras Documentation


今天寫的主題也是很久很久之前寫過理論介紹的主題了,Long-Short Term Memory 機的介紹文可以參考這裡。今天主要只是參(ㄓ ㄠˋ)考(ㄔ ㄠ )Keras Documentation的範例,來寫一個簡單的LSTM例子而已。

Top 10 Artificial Intelligence Quotes

Recently, I was going through the book Compassionate Superintelligence AI 5.0 book written by Notable AI scientist Dr. Amit Ray. The book has crossed the boundaries of traditional AI books, and has taken AI to a new height and creating a new compassionate AI…

Temy Tech Digest #1


At Temy we’ve created the Tech Digest to share our views on what is happening in the

Day 80 — Simple Autoencoders



  1. The Keras Blog



Key Takeaways In The Fight For AI Supremacy

The Bowery Capital blog has been filled with discussions that examined the shifting pawns on the chessboard that is the fight for AI supremacy. As a principal investor in the machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) ecosystems, we are always…