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Machine Learning

SparkFlow: Train TensorFlow Models with Apache Spark Pipelines

At LifeOmic, the machine learning team…

Synthetic Abstractions

My previous post describes the process and methodology behind my recent series of ink prints. This post is an update on

“From PhDs to AI Start Ups” Panel Discussion— Key Takeaways

On Tuesday, 14th August, with the support of Machine Intelligence Garage, we organised “From PhDs to AI Start Ups” Panel Discussion at Digital Catapult. Panelists were Ross Harper from Limbic, Jameel Marafie from Headlight AI…

Who Actually Wrote It? A Foray into Latent Semantic Indexing

In my last post on text vectorization I gave a birds eye-view of the way texts are converted to numbers so that they can be analyzed by computers. In this post I’ll concentrate on one of the various applications of text…

Machine Learning Pipeline com Pyspark

Apache Spark pode hoje, ser considerado o framework de facto para sistemas de computação…

Azure Machine Learning in plain English

Data scientist and author Siraj Raval recently released a 12-minute video overview of Azure Machine Learning (embedded at the end of this post). The video begins with a overview of cloud computing and Microsoft Azure generally, before getting into the details…

Day 95 — DC-GAN for MNIST Dataset



  1. eriklindernoren/Keras-GAN


今天的主題是Deep Convolutional GAN,相關理論已經在Day 54介紹過,今天就純粹來測程式碼。

  • Discriminator
How to Deploy Machine Learning Models using Flask, Docker and Google Cloud Platform(GCP)
Ackon Richard

Hi Ackon Richard, nice piece! Thank you for sharing. Interesting to see how you broke down steps for deployment on Kubernetes.

I also wrote a similar piece on [machine learning deployment on GCP](https://towardsdatascience.com/https-towardsdatascience-com-deploying-machine-learning-has-never-been-so-easy-bbdb500a39a), but…

Learning Market Dynamics for Optimal Pricing
Sharan Srinivasan

Hi, Sharan. Great post, I strongly agree with the philosophy you’re laying out here around combining ML with modeling — and your result cutting error in half is hard to argue with. One comment / question about your project: When you cluster the listings this is a sort of coarsening of the data. I wonder if you considered taking your parameters to be…