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Personal Development

  1. Self Improvement
  2. Personal Development
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Hayden, I really appreciate the nuances you’ve shared that compile into a Killer App. So many of these lists come not from experience, but from the rehashed listicles of inexperienced individuals seeking attention. Rather than real entrepreneurs living them daily.

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Thomas, I like these words you shared from, “Edward de Bono, the author of The Six Thinking Hats, says, “Everyone has the right to doubt everything as often as he pleases and the duty to do it at least once. No way of looking at things is too sacred to be reconsidered. No way of doing things is beyond improvement.””

If they don’t kill you, they may actually save you.
Lisa Renee

One of the most powerful treatise on the parent-child dynamic ever composed, Lisa Renee. I relived, and re-loved every moment.

And yes, my amazing, beautiful, kind, brilliant and precocious children saved me. And continue to do so daily.

Thank you for excavating every beautiful memory.

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