Fear of loss can keep you from becoming who and what you most desire
Since I was old enough to walk, my parents have told me I was the smartest kid in the room. They barged their way into…
Navigating through a limbo can be either completely liberating or painfully testing...
Essentially, a limbo is a transitional phase marked with uncertainty and ambiguity. Unforeseen personal and professional circumstances such as heartbreak, involuntary or voluntary career…
The Role of Charisma in Presenting
If I had to pin down the one quality that is most important for a public speaker / presenter / speaker / facilitator /…
As I was scrolling through my Facebook feed this morning, I was inundated by the usual back and forth between various schools of thought.
The far left, the far right, pro vaxxers, anti vaxxers. I let it all wash over me whilst remaining unmoved by most of…
The new moon on 4th May is going to question why we incarnated and what we were born to be, or to do. It will raise the questions: “Who Am I?” and “What Do I Want?”
A myriad of musings about our need to be loved instead of loving ourselves
“You’ll be fine. You’re 25. Feeling unsure and…
To live a great life, you must have your mornings right. I will share my experience and why I…
When we were children we immersed ourselves in stories. We were read stories by our parents, we read books on our own and we lived out our…
We have all experienced it. Spinning minds that seem to take control and make us feel a little crazy.
This is how I learn
I spent last weekend trying to figure out how I learn. It became increasingly important for me to find an answer to this question as…
Or, how I freed myself from crazy-making swings between courage and doubt.
You say you want to achieve your dreams -
Do you sometimes question the usefulness of mindfulness, self-improvement, and so on?
Good and bad ebbs and flows .. more positive than negative, but at times the degrees of change and speed…
I know what you’re afraid of…..
Let me tell you a story about something that happened earlier this week…
I was out at my girlfriend’s birthday party and we were having a blast, playing board games, cracking jokes, it was a good time. But one person had a little bit too much of a good…
I have a small obsession with business books. Although I must confess, in recent times, the…
This is good stuff, Anthony! That kind of advice changes people’s lives. Thanks for sharing it.
What would it mean to be a minimalist of the mind? I’m not suggesting a halt to gathering wisdom and…
Great advice, Reece! We have a bad habit of underestimating the power of our perspectives. Decisions should be based on that. It really does change everything.
The Pursuit of self-improvement is like going on a trip, many plan to do it but only few ever…
“Don’t Wake Up! It Will Ruin Everything” points at some of the same issues.
From the chapter about mindfulness and ego: “Me”
If you want to stay happy, hold onto your idea of “me.” You know, that “me” we each think we are. When you look out through your eyes it certainly…
Thanks for reading, Umenze!
So I am in the middle of cranking away at computer stuff which I know is not necessarily conducive to best-practice coffee-grounds-gazing, but I’m busy. I take a moment out to look into the coffee grounds and therein stands a Transformer, busily…
“In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” — Benjamin Franklin
We wish we lived in a more predictable world, where we knew the outcomes of our decisions ahead of time and could see clearly the path…