Things in life go horribly wrong all the time. It's unavoidable. You get a…
Why is it important to be mindful of the words you use?
Хэдэн өдрийн өмнө найзтайгаа амжилт болон аз жаргалын талаар ярилцаад өөр бусад маш олон зүйлсийн талаар…
How instant gratification could be harming your meditation practice.
You are empowered to choose the path/paths you desire for you.
When I was young, we’d occasionally go to the beach and dig holes. There was a…
Many people don’t believe in themselves. They don’t believe if they can live their dreams if they can accomplish what they…
Holy Goddess things are intense again! I hesitated to use this term because I don’t…
They must first notice you in order to deem you worthy of criticism
Who doesn’t love a good motivational quote? I know I do. But at the end of the day…
As I completed my series on Soft Skills, a commenter asked me about the place of Trust, since I had not listed it as a specific Soft…
Learning new things about construction and myself.
Like many people who’ve struggled with mental illness I’ve been told it’s not a sign of weakness to ask for help.
Einstein defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result”.
To be honest, I had built up the float experience almost to a point where I…
Have you ever been afraid? That’s a dumb question isn’t it? Of course you have. We…
This month: the versatility of 50–30–20, and how to use this popular rule for managing personal finances for almost anything.
Your Resume is a Living Document
May 29, 2019 Jill Klunk
It’s 5:51 am on a Wednesday and I’ve already been awake for nearly two hours.
Do you like mental challenges? Well, riddles are one of them. Let’s begin.
This is a great quote that can be applied to basically any area of someone’s life. I talk to a lot of people about their personal finances and this is a great analogy for that. They won’t get it together over night but they can start taking positive action this second.
Great idea for a starting poet or writer. All ideas come from a place we cannot define but we all think is the best original, always.
If the Universe were to take credit, we would find aspiring riches come out from the mouths of babes.
Thank you, Christian. And thanks for reading!
You can say that again! The number of times I found myself in a similar difficult situation, and freaked out because of the “unknown,” is ridiculous. It’s crazy how easy it is for us to not recall our last success.
It is indeed so surprising to see so many ancient values, art, wisdom, heroism etc disappear as if they were never there. Somehow non-related — I love Vir Das’ rants. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Rahul. Greetings from Bucharest, Romania
Absolutely, Christian! Thanks for reading.
Spot on, Jesse. I appreciate that. And thanks for reading!