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At the Frontiers of Microbiome Research

A few weeks ago, I attended a microbiome conference as part of the Frontiers of Science, an initiative of the Australian Academy of Science. It was chock-full of the brightest early and mid-career scientists working on understanding the relevance of the…

Skandal: Stammzellen und Journalismus

Seit einiger Zeit verfolge ich einigermaßen schockiert die Geschichte um den “Arzt” Paolo Macchiarini. Falls jemand davon noch nie gehört hat, der Paolo hat sich irgendwann ausgedacht, dass man mit Stammzellen auf einem Trägermaterial doch sicher neue Luftröhren…

This story is unavailable.

It’s so amazing that between technology like these sonic tractor beams and new hologram potential like the Voxiebox, that we’re actually breaking down barriers that once seemed 100% impossible. Science-fiction has always been seen as a predictor of future tech (look at smartphones or drones), but this was always acknowledged with a big caveat towards…

Methodological Naturalism and Christian Theology

Can They Coexist?

Terry Mortenson of Answers in Genesis (AiG) is not a fan of scientific study of the earth. According to Mortenson, the entire field of geology is rooted in anti-theistic philosophy.


NutraPal Pro Place between to strains of microbes in the gut Check to ensure the supplement contains at least one of these microbes strains that have affirmed health promoting highlights: Bacterium rubidium Bacterium breves Bacterium…