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David Haselwood | Healthcare Industry Where Science meets Business

David Haselwood is a healthcare entrepreneur, currently the Chief Financial Officer & Chief Operating Officer at Prytime Medical Devices, Inc. He focused his life on developing disruptive technologies to transform…

(For i <1, do i.CAMP )

Retours sur le programme 1.CAMP / artlabo

English version clic here

Durant les résidences de recherche organisées de janvier à juin 2015 au Lieu Unique à Nantes sous l’intitulé 0.CAMP, PiNG et le réseau artlabo…

A Space Tragedy of the Commons

The tragedy of the commons is an economical theory that describes how a group of individuals acting…

Warping Space/Time Physics

A proposal for Warping Space as it relates to Time

Axiom of Choice extended to include Relativity, defines the limits of human ability to interact directly with physics; therefore the need to produce a Technological Singularity within a quantum computer.