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Evidence Based IQ Augmentation

Training with these apps can improve your baseline psychometric IQ and Executive Control functions such as attention focus and flexibility.

公民科學 百花齊放

此文章原本在2018年4月6日刊登於LinkedIn, 英文版請按此

根據維基百科的定義,公民科學指公眾參與的科學研究, 包括非職業的科學家、科學愛好者和志願者參與的科研活動,…

Have you heard about interstitium, the new organ? My fellow anatomy and movement geeks have all been discussing what this means for us. We've been taking about fascia for a long…

Consciousness and the Circularity of Measurement
Rachel Anne Williams

Rachel Williams, a lot of things you point out seem quite valid. But every theory of consciousness postulates different proxies. Based on conceptual and philosophical arguments in combination with neuroscience, we can make some progress in differentiating likely proxies from less likely proxies. Also, every theory of consciousness will specify…

Today is World parkinsons day

Today is World parkinsons day. Share your research to spread awareness on Parkinsons in our Journal #IJCNE

International Journal of Computational & Neural Engineering (IJCNE) ISSN:2572–7389 is a comprehensive, peer reviewed journal devoted to…


Quantum computing is computing using quantum-mechanicalphenomena, such as superposition and entanglement.[1] A quantum computer is a device that performs quantum computing. They are different from binary digital electronic computers based on transistors. Whereas common digital computing requires that the data be encoded…