The true promise of technology is to amplify the best traits in humanity. It doesn’t always seem like that, and I’ll admit there are legitimate concerns about the possible negative impact of the fourth industrial revolution. However, being the hallucinogenic optimist that I am, I…
"We are stardust brought to life, then empowered by the universe to figure itself out— and we have only just begun.” - Niel DeGrasse Tyson
It’s Earth Day! Today is a sacred day. Every day is truly a sacred day. I love our planet Earth. It’s so beautiful! Earth is a marvel of miracles and there is no planet like it so far…
By: Camilla Mahon
We do a whooole lot of Earth-gazing on the satellite team. We each have our handful of favorite spots on the satellite layer—places we have personal…
Scientific literacy is that which influences students’ decisions about personal and societal problems and consequently affects political decisions in a democratic society (Lederman, Lederman, & Antink, 2013). The primary rallying point for science…
Выходные — время отвлечься от надоевшей политики и поговорить о вечных ценностях.
Sunday 6am. My routine-addicted brain’s tik tok begins. Wake up, meditate, check out what the western world’s…
EDIT: New sign-up link is HERE.
I have a newsletter called Brain Reel.
Over several posts I will explore some of the key principles, practices and tools that investigators can adopt to move towards Open Science. This initial post is simply a short introduction as it seemed un-natural to start this series without it.
“Creativity is the ability for evolution”
“Kreativität ist die Fähigkeit…
We at Unelma Platforms are celebrating EarthDay as we do every year. This year one of our technical interns made a short video using the words of wisdom from Dr Carl Sagan.
Carl Sagan in the video expresses his wisdom and vision for the future earth. On his own words: We…
I’m a biologist who believe that cancer is a process of evolution. Enzymes are catalysts involved in metabolism. Every enzyme is a protein and every protein has its own gene. A gene is a coding sequence of DNA which could precisely code for a specific protein. Change in life style and food habits needs new loads of enzyme and cancer cell is a form of…
How do we know that at the end of entropy which maybe seen as a complete overtake of black holes, that through the other side is not the next Big Bang of another universe just beginning its entropy state?
There are special electrical devices with electrodes that are supposed to be attached to the scalp which transmit and modulate a low voltage electric current through the brain that induces flow. Flow, as you wished, comes in a package costing a few dollars. Thus, flow won’t be a privilege of a few individuals having a zen-like psyché only as the…
The people because of which we see progress in the sphere of science and its tools (technology) are all the great…
As per Minecraft Wiki, even a game which can be anything seems to struggle with the concept of nothing.
I noticed that this article is all about how we “feel” about truth. No discussion of evidence? scientific method? understanding how to conduct actual research? Maybe that’s the problem.