This is a research paper I wrote for honors credit in Biology, and I had a lot…
Unfortunately for those who wish to deny IQ (sometimes known as ‘G’ for general intelligence) is real, the data and the science continue to pile up against such beliefs. In fact, studies repeatedly confirm the reality of IQ and the connections between a variety of both positive…
By Helen Ann Lawless and Beth Shaaban
The butterfly effect is a term used in Chaos theory to describe how small changes to a seemingly unrelated thing or condition can affect large, complex systems. The term comes from…
When theoretical physicists want to tell us that gravitation is exceedingly weak in the microcosm, they use…
So I’m enjoying a little break from Twitter because I’ve been banned. My appeal hasn’t come back yet, so hopefully that just means they’re taking their sweet time because they’re genuinely considering restoring my account. Wouldn’t that be nice! If they don’t I’ll…
In the early 1950s scientists established that the molecular structure of DNA was a double helix. The had…
More Trouble For LambdaCDM Cosmological Paradigm?
Today it was reported in Nature that astrophysicists have observed a remarkably dense cluster of fourteen…
This blog contains a surprisingly simple question: what are the first ten numbers? Simple indeed. Through contemplating the possible answers, one can end up seeing the Big Picture contours of the Structure of Everything.
This year the Eniac Team descended upon Vancouver for Ted Age of Amazement. And the event really did…
Air-raids are often considered a phenomenon of the 1940s but this simple map from 1916 shows they also took place…
[To refresh, Part-1 of this series is here. Text in such square brackets is my commentary. Rest of it is a faithful documentation of the most fascinating story…
I have what I like to call a superhero complex! I believe that I have certain…
I cannot overstate the importance of the recent discovery that artificial neural networks can predict the behavior of chaotic systems out to eight ‘Lyapunov times’. Imagine, instead of forecasting a week of the world’s weather, you could predict eight weeks in advance. For planning around…
Колоссальный прогресс астрономии за последние десятилетия поставил ее в положение, несколько аналогичное…
I once saw my Japanese friend peeling the grapes and eating just the…
One of my original plans for this blog was to try and explain my own papers to a general audience…
Do you know to whom you’re related?
This one is for all of the people who have seen the steady stream of DNA test TV advertising and have shaken your head no at the possibilities. For every person who has tried to name each of their…
One of the most fascinating and mysterious members of the universe is the black hole…
Of course no one can say they know the “exact” details of what went down on 9/11, but the science proves that explosives had to have been used. The buildings simply could not have come down on their own due to plane impacts and fires. This places constraints on the possible scenarios of who, what, and how. I am writing a series of articles for Medium…
Let me just state up-front that this is NOT some sort of click-bait, new-age metaphysical…
Science and Religion. Both on opposite fields of thought and reality, and throughout history, have both served humanity by different functions. Science, is an act of acquiring knowledge by observation and experimentation…
April 25 (today) is DNA Day so we are celebrating the discovery and progress by sharing some knowledge!
Deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA, contains your biological information and instructions that your body carries out in order to…
It’s a tale as old as time.
Chaos, Solitons and Fractals.
Ishi may have to write this one myself since apparently nobody else knows how to despite the use of these words.
What is chaos (apart from daily life)? Its a deterministic nonlinear process — -everything has a cause and a consequence. The main feature of chaos is that it…
Despite living in the DC Metro area for many years I have never managed to attend this event…
Existence and the Interpretation of Free Will
The other night I was lying in bed having one of those all too familiar existential crises when it dawned upon me that I should materialize my life philosophy and share it with any interested reader in the hopes that some may find it interesting.
And yet again, another example of half truth. Like anything else that surrounds us.
And those who so profusely exclaim they know, in reality, create more confusion with their half truth theories.
It is because we are obsessed with ‘singularity’ — an obsession to find an absolute for any phenomena, an…
Another science piece.. not really,half-life is the name of my new team, I have rather grown to like the name over…
What is the closest thing you can touch its might sound easy question if you are sitting on a chair you are technically hovering?
By Scott Douglas Jacobsen and Rick Rosner
In-Sight Publishing
Born to do Math 15–5 Brothers-4 Sisters & 4 Sisters-5 Brothers
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 17 — “It From Bit”
Scott Douglas Jacobsen & Rick Rosner
Great stuff. We need to stand up to the hubris of modern science.
How do you get something from absolutely nothing? And not just something, but an advanced reality like you see before us? It is a good question. The process begins: You have nothing at all, less than nothing in other words. Our definition of nothing would be a vacuum, but this…
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 16 — Photons, Molecules, and Atoms
Being the third planet in the harbor life of the Universe, Earth nearer to the sun mystically impact a deep…
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 13 — Tension in Space
We are in a computer simulation programmed for randomness.
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 14 — Pseudo-Particles
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 11 — More Informational History
Southgate ARC — CBC report on the Prince Edward Islandd amateur radio operators who celebrated International Marconi Day on Saturday, April 21
In-Sight Publishing Born to do Math 8–1,001 and the Box (Part 6)