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ACMG 2018 Tweetcap

The ACMG Annual Clinical Genetics Meeting was held in Charlotte, NC April 10–14. In case you missed it, here are some of the…

Model Matching Theory

I’m happy to announce that an article I have been working on for quite some time (along with fantastic coauthors Rory McGloin and Joe Wasserman) has just been accepted for publication in Media and Communication, a peer-reviewed open access journal.

Light and Circadian Rhythms | Sarah Morgan | TEDxStanleyPark

Watch the video here.

Invest here.

Bright ideas and illuminating conversations — that’s what you’ve come to expect from TEDx talks — which makes my subject particularly…

What is the difference between Cement and Concrete?

Concrete and cement are usually contrasted together as being similar products. However, cement is actually an ingredient of concrete. Cement is an additive that provides the basis for the glue that holds concrete together. Concrete is a…