How does the Nature-Nurture Issue Work Together in the Developmental Process?
大家煎牛扒,多數都唔會煎到全熟(Well done)。太熟既牛,又鞋又韌,浪費左一塊上等靚肉。但係,又唔係個個人都接受到三成熟(Medium rare)、五成熟(Medium)喎。佢地覺得,一切開就有「血水」流出黎,好得人驚咁話。
I’ve always been a space fan. When I was a child, I used to watch every Shuttle…
Three things I learned today.
Hi Nick, math teachers don’t teach skills one at a time because they believe it is more effective in the long-term. They do it because, in their experience, interleaving multiple skills or concepts together is too challenging for many of their students—and is less effective in the short-term. After all, before you can worry about long-term retention…
Is there a common language for Science, Reason and Spirit to communicate?
Engaging in religious practices helped me regain my faith in God after a crisis of faith last year. (I wrote about this on Medium in “Faith seeking understanding #011: On finding my faith through spiritual practice.”)After reading Michael McHargue’s Finding God in the Waves and Rupert Sheldrake’s Science and Spiritual Practices. I came to an…
When the creator made Earth
Here are some questions I got asked at a recent careers event. It was aimed at those in third…