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Maker Hunt’s AMA with Meng To from Design+Code

We’re here with Meng To. He’s a designer, coder and author of Design+Code. He’s also been traveling and working for 18 months across 30 cities and 20 countries. He’s doing awesome work. We’ll let him introduce himself so that you know a bit more

My First 30 Days at Pluralsight (in Pictures)

I love the work we’re doing here at Pluralsight. Much has been learned and shared in my first 30 days here. I have been super impressed with the company, the leadership, our CEO Aaron Skonnard’s openness, and the great people I get to work with…

4 Takeaways from Parcel’s Jesse Kaplan #TakeawayTuesday

View the original write-up and interview with Jesse Kaplan on Under30CEO.com.

Nearly 70 days into my journey of writing and publishing every day this year, I decided to start #TakeawayTuesday to share the…