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Uber’s success and rise to being Silicon Valley’s highest valued privately funded company is inspiring the “Uber of Everything” or “Uber of X” — the on-demand revolution. While the list is full of creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, reaching success including…

How To Write A Startup Marketing Plan
Mike Troiano

Commander’s Intent

I assume you’ve read Made To Stick? This piece reminded of Chapter One, specifically the portions about Commander’s Intent.

“Colonel Kolditz says, “Over time we’ve come to understand more and more about what makes people successful in complex operations.” He believes…

Michael Riley, Co-Founder, Boxter (Philadelphia)

The Unicorn

Boxter is developing sustainable systems for growing web traffic and acquiring customers. It’s like a Hubspot/Marketo with better UX and a focus on modern growth hacking.

IPO is not a Four Letter Word

Posted March 23, 2015 by Jason Portnoy

In late December 2014 I was talking on the phone with the CEO of one of our promising portfolio companies. During that conversation I began to sense that he believed his company value would cap out in the…

Hightech startup Eregion nieuw TOP-bedrijf

Afgelopen maand heeft hightech startup Eregion een plaats gekregen in de TOP-regeling. Naast een financiering van €40.000 ontvangt het bedrijf ook een jaar lang ondersteuning vanuit Kennispark en toegang tot ondernemersnetwerken. In deze post kunt u…