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Maker Hunt’s AMA with Dylan La Com from Growth Hackers

We have Dylan La Com — Growth Product Manager at GrowthHackers.com

Hello everyone! Thanks for having me. It’s awesome to be here, and especially big thanks to Eric Willis and Jonas Daniels for creating Maker…

Kim Klafcynski, CEO/Founder RenewU Fitness (LA)

The Unicorn

RenewU Fitness is an app for iPhone and Android that summons a personal trainer to wherever you are for yoga, cardio, or weights. We also have the XBAR — a fitness tool that provides a full body workout and is…

What’s The Deal With Deals, Anyway?!


In a previous blog post, I emphasized the need for big companies and startups alike to be open…

How to build a great app without spending a fortune.

Mohammed Lakkadshaw and company, a web and mobile app development company brings you

You have an idea for an app, poeple especially development companies tell you that you will have to spend a fortune building…