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An Open Letter to Twitter: It’s Time to Advertise.

In April of 2009 Steve Ballmer announced he would be spending $80 to $100 million on advertising Bing. In the end, the number turned out to be on the high side of that range. In April, Bing’s market share hovered around 8%. By September, it…

Make Your Mobile App Marketing a Triumph

If you are creating a mobile app, you have probably puzzled over how to attract and maintain users’ attention. Getting a mobile app approved in the AppStore is only the first step towards commercial success. You can make your mobile app notable and guarantee…

‘Yelp Platform’ 2 Years In

Yelp Platform — “Buy on Yelp”

Yelp launched its ‘platform’ — ability to transact via Yelp — in July 2013 to some fanfare. The argument was that consumers (currently 161M per month across desktop and mobile) were already using Yelp to…

50+ resources for female entrepreneurs

Thanks a lot Catherine! It would be amazing if Athena could be part of it too :) http://athena.exosphe.re/ we’re a community of problem solvers and we want to help empower every single woman to do something big in the world! thanks!

Awesome list!
Tami Reiss

it would be amazing if Athena could be part of it too :) http://athena.exosphe.re/ we’re a community of problem solvers and we want to help empower every single woman to do something big in the world! thanks!