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How blockchain startup SMARTRealty is disrupting Real Estate?

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Today we interviewed Ernie from SMARTRealty team on our coinmonks slack community, SMARTRealty…

Women in Enterprise: Camilla Velasquez at Justworks

This series features profiles of some of the top women leaders within our enterprise technology community here in NYC. We hope by highlighting their terrific work, stories, and career trajectories within some of the top venture-backed

Generate APIDoc from Test Case

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Chain of Fools

According to Capgemini, 70% of retail and manufacturing companies have already started a “digital transformation” project within their supply chain and logistics operations. Clearly, IoT is playing a major role in this transformation by modernizing the supply chain with improved connectivity and…

What Are Creative Technologists And Why Do So Many Companies Need One?

by David Burn

Digital can disrupt industries and put people out of work. At the same time, digital is a powerful creative force making new tools and new jobs possible.

Announcing the new ShareBoost

ShareBoost is maturing and version 2.0.1 is a major update. New domain(.co), new interface and a lot of

GDPR Compliance in U.S. Industries

In our previous blog, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) was discussed regarding its…

CreativeMornings Forever

Sponsoring the Portland chapter of the free monthly breakfast series CreativeMornings is an ongoing highlight for 52 Limited. We help put doughnuts and coffee on the table, sure, but all the hard work is taken care of by a dedicated bunch (thank you Tsilli & co.) and the speakers…

New Year, New Experiences: Open Your Browser

by David Burn

We’ve been online for what seems like forever. We have a routine now, a well-developed pattern of online behavior. We open our browser, process email, look at Twitter and Facebook, suck up some mainstream news…

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Eight Steps To A Dramatically Improved Portfolio

by David Burn

Your portfolio is literally your passport to work. The better your pieces, the easier it will be to find the kind of work you seek, where new opportunities, mutual respect and financial rewards are the…

What’s On Tap (Literally) At Portland Startups?

by David Burn

Portland is home to more breweries than any city in the world.

What does this frothy fact say about the city? Do Portlanders drink more beer than residents of Chicago, Denver or…

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