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Expectations for mass transit have changed and the T should too.

If you hadn’t heard, the MBTA is an old system. We like to brag we’re the oldest subway in the US. The city of Boston grew around us. And we grew around the city. More than 150 years ago some guy laid some rail, hooked…

Echo Homo: On Bossing Alexa Around

Today’s post arrives courtesy of Medium.com, a site that alert reader Jessica Ehlers pointed out to me. Previously, I didn’t know this site existed. It’s some kind of networked blogging site, akin to Cowbird and even WordPress, but with random features from Reddit…

In awe of the horse in the Apple Store.

I read an article a few years ago entitled “There is a horse in the Apple Store”. It’s an article that’s really stuck with me. I’ve read many things since but that one piece keeps drawing me back. There is a horse in the Apple Store and six years on people…

Magic Trick Valentino Shoes Secrets Revealed