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API ouverte vs API fermée : au-delà du manichéisme

Dans la première partie et la seconde partie de cette série sur les APIs, nous avons vu : ce qu’était une API, les différents types d’APIs et leur histoire.

Holy crap! Dropbox Infinite is exactly what I’ve wanted for years…

Disclosure: Drew Houston is a long-time friend. I’ve known him since before he started Dropbox. I also own some shares.

I’ve been an avid user of Dropbox for a long, long time. I currently have a 5TB account on Dropbox. The way I’ve…

NPS: The Prestige

Recently there has been a lot of buzz around Net Promoter Score, or NPS, in the SaaS KPI circle. It’s been vaunted as the one-size-fits-all metric, a single number that can tell the story of how well your product and company are doing in the market. Or, when it’s cousin Employee Net Promoter…

I’m Not Bored By The Internet

In her well-intentioned article, “Why Are We So Bored?”, psychologist Sandi Mann asserts that the Internet’s frenetic stimulation sabotages our tolerance for “slower” life, manifesting as boredom in our daily lives. Articles attempting to dampen the influence of technology…

What’s this all about?

“Socio-techtonics” is a principle I coined many years ago by combining “socio-technical” with “tectonic“. Perhaps as a result of moving to California back in the 80s, I began to notice how organizational stresses can behave a lot like earthquakes, building slowly usually without visible…

The Land of the Partially Connected

Greetings from Ottertail County

Last week my family visited some relatives in Minnesota. Fergus Falls and Clitherall to be exact. Both are situated in Ottertail County — about half way up the state toward the Fargo, North Dakota side. While…

Combining Technology and Advocacy

The worlds of technology and advocacy have only just started to become intertwined. There are very few platforms that were built solely for the purpose of advocacy. The ones that do exist are young and not very well known. It is clear though, that technology is the…

Recently one of MeetingPlay’s clients ‘brought down the house’ driving record breaking event engagement and having nearly one of the highest event adoption rates we’ve seen…