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How I integrated 1btn with Losant IoT platform

1btn is open source wifi connected device uses the internet to complete a task with the simple, satisfying click of a one button. Currently crowdfunding on crowd-supply (www.crowdsupply.com) 1btn has got decent attention from makers and greater…

This is the blackest black ever created

This is Vantablack.

It’s made using a dense coating of carbon nanotubes which create a lattice that absorbs virtually all light. Ben Jensen, the Chief Technical Officer of its creator, UK nanotech company, Surrey NanoSystems…


Since 2013, beacon technology has been making waves in the ad tech community. What started out as a solution in search of a problem has quickly evolved to be a high-impact, high-ROI marketing channel. Beacon technology was used last summer at Wimbledon, providing tournament attendees…

Interesting Reads #75

The sugar conspiracy

One of the brilliant post on Sugar & its side effects I have read so far in recent times.

Unicorn Bubble or Boom: Bloomberg West [Video]

HTC Vive — Call of the Starseed trailer

CloudheadGames have announced an exciting puzzle-based game for the HTC Vive launch — Call…