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Our Emerging Future

In my last post, I added more future scenarios to this visual describing the complexity and impact of our emerging future…

The CEO of Loft Digital — leading Tech Innovation Group — on playing up to your strengths

Jono shares with Squelo what drives him and talks about the importance of choosing a career path which complements your natural strengths and skills.

Building a Blockchain-Powered Twitter Tip-Bot for WPP’s Stream (un)conference

In March I spent a few days in Phuket, at WPP’s Stream Asia conference. Stream is one of the best conferences in the world, combining great people, big thinking, and a lot of amazing ideas.

How Namola can Help Make South Africa Safer

Namola is a smartphone application that dramatically improves police dispatch times and the communication between officers, the control room and citizens.

До свидания, Oracle: Производитель российских ядерных бомб переходит на Postgres

25 января 2016 г. СМИ о нас www.tadviser.ru http://goo.gl/55zYzs

С сентября 2015 года “Российский федеральный ядерный центр — Всероссийский научно-исследовательский…

How Airyclicker works with IR Camera

Enhancing and empowering computer functions with virtual keyboard and virtual mouse by Airysense. Complete all computer tasks effortlessly through ICR control of moves and bendings of fingers. Simple gesture control via webcam provides the faster, better and easier…

Episode 26 — Designing for the Fringe

Photo credit: Edible Growth by Chloé Rutzerveld

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Listen to this week’s episode here: Episode 26