Chronic patterns

This post was posted as a Patreon update but it turned into a deeper reflection, so I am posting cross-posting here to share:

Without really knowing it, months have passed since my last update. It seemed like yesterday that 2018 had just begun. I apologise for not having…

Getting healthy is really hard

When I first started on my year of experiment, a large part of it was health motivated. I was having painful dry eyes, chronic migraines and anxiety attacks. I would lie awake at night with my heart racing for no apparent reason. I was sick of being sick.

This story is unavailable.

Freedom does not come free

real talk on experimenting with my life

It took multiple attempts to write the original piece and I deliberately left out a lot of context to keep it simple, in the hope I can fill them in with separate posts later. Someone raised…

The most important lesson from a year of experimenting with my life

It has been a year since I started to experiment with my life. There were too many significant lessons in the past year to fit into a single post so I will do a series instead. In this post I share my biggest…

Truthfully exhausted

Today, I wanted to write a tinyletter. I send tinyletters only when I cannot bring myself to publish my thoughts in public. These are far and few in between: since writing the first one in early 2015, I’ve only sent seven of them so far. There is very little I can’t write publicly about.

The experimental years
The experimental years
documenting the process and ideas
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