The Faculty
The Faculty
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3 min readMay 28, 2020


Hi there,

Welcome to The Faculty weekly digest, a quick recap of what we’ve been doing at The Faculty and our recent stories. If you want to contribute and write for us, join here.

Featured Story

lanalix Arabic tattoos on Pinterest

This is Why You’re Not Learning Arabic the Right Way

Learning languages might be one of the most fascinating puzzling life-changing experiences you could ever have. It opens a brand new world, but it also changes your perspective. One way to connect with another culture is to discover one of its seeds, the language. Whether you’re freshly intrigued, or you’ve been trying to learn it for a while, there are some features you shouldn’t overlook when it comes to Arabic. Sara Taki teaches us how to learn Arabic the right way.

Latest Stories

Words matter: Stop saying “you recycle”

This recycling culture madness is making people believe that if they buy something that is recyclable it exonerates them from any ecological consequences. However, only around 9% of what is thrown away is recycled. So there is still much to be done. Fernanda Fadel — Science writer explains why classifying your waste is not enough for recycling and what we should instead.

The Pedagogy in times of Covid19

New times require innovation, it is true, but also, we need to have our feet on the ground. Covid19 confront many things of our daily habits, one of them: Education. Esteban Beltrán Ulate calls us to create a new paradigm of education and society.

The Best Know the Least About What They Are Doing

There is always one most intelligent student in college. Those people are not necessarily the way we think they are. More often than not, the all-rounders know a lot less. Read Claudia Kahrs story on how being the best is not always a good thing.

The Old College Try (and Fail)

The gnawing fear everywhere was, and is, the same: how can we lure students back to this place, and persuade them and their parents to part with vast sums of money, if we are unable to deliver the archetypal experience that they all thought they had signed up for? Read Orin Hargraves inspiring story.

The Doctor In Your Pocket!

Dr Gautam Kulkarni shares a story on 7 reasons healthcare will change in the future. Hopefully, he says, the future of healthcare will be more glamorous than its past.

More Amazing Stories

A Philosophy Major is An Investment in Your Future by James Holley

Just Three Steps — The Easiest Way to Record a Presentation by Rebecca LeBard

The Valuable Eccentricity of English Majors by Kels T.

Stress, Uncertainty and Conspiracy in the Age of Lockdown by Simon Spichak

The Trifecta of Effective Language Learning by Gavin Lamb

Mental Health Professionals Are Endangering Clients Through Lack of Scientific Training by Kristen Hovet

Consider This Before Raising Children Bilingually by Claudia Kahrs

What I’ve Learned From the Inventor of Soft Skills by Fabio Strässle

Why Are So Many People Buying Fake PhDs? by Sam Westreich, PhD

How To Conquer Math and Science by Rebecca Mott

Is Simulation Biology the Next Era of the Synthetic Biology Revolution? by Josh McMenemy

Milestones to Celebrate

One week has passed, and it’s time we celebrate achievements!

These are small wins that make us proud:

49 awesome and meaningful stories have been published.

89 writers are now on board and are working in new stories about education, research, and life in academia.

123 followers are now reading and engaging with our stories.

10712 is the number of minutes our readers have spent in our stories.

10638 is how many times our stories have been viewed.

677 is the number of visitors we receive in a day.

46 is the number of followers on our Instagram account and Twitter account.

We believe this is just the start. The start of a great community of academics with amazing stories to tell and actively working to disrupt education. Thanks for reading us and for being part of this story. Let’s continue growing together.

Keep safe,

Your Editor, Maria Angel Ferrero, Ph.D.



The Faculty
The Faculty

Editors for The Faculty. A comunity of storytellers talking about education and life at academia.