Top Stories published by The Next Newsroom Project in August of 2009

The Wall Street Journal’s New Newsroom

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I stumbled across these photos of the Wall Street Journal’s new digs when Troy McCullough, a news editor on the Journal’s international desk, posted them on Facebook. He agreed to let me re-post them here…

Illinois awash in news for new news

What a week — Gov. Quinn signs L3Cs into law AND the Chicago Community Trust with the Knight Foundation Community Information Challenge offers funding for Community News that Matters to NPOs, to for-profits [we hope like the L3C], as well as to individuals — an…

Steps To Making Your Newsroom More Mobile Friendly

I’ve got a guest post up today over at the Knight Digital Media Center’s News Leadership 3.0 blog. The post examines ways to begin taking advantage of mobile news and information, one of the most important platforms and one that newsrooms are…

The Next Newsroom Project
The future is worse than we thought.
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