ThinkCoin Recap

Published in
4 min readJul 29, 2018

As we move closer to the beginning of ThinkCoin’s token minting process, we thought now might be a good time to catch up on the recent updates we’ve shared.


Bounty Supporters Update

Earlier this week we made an important announcement for all our bounty hunters. If you participated in our bounty campaign, make sure to read the post: it outlines the quick KYC process you will need to do to receive your bonus tokens.

Tokenized Assets Breakdown

Last week we had the opportunity to take a step back and look at the coming tokenized economy we’re helping to create. We discuss three of the key advantages token economies have over traditional systems, and speculate on the huge improvements that will be made to the efficiency and security of the world’s economies.

Welcoming Our New Strategic Advisor, Todd Ruppert

We also had the privilege last week of welcoming our new strategic advisor Todd Ruppert, who brings over forty years of financial services experience to our team and experience managing global assets valued over £1 trillion.

Overview of the Minting Process

At the start of the month we outlined the TCO minting process — the exciting first step towards our platform’s launch. Since this update we have made some changes to how the minting process will be executed: stay tuned for another announcement very shortly.

Introducing New Advisors

We were honoured to welcome two new strategic advisors: Kevin O’Hara is a leading blockchain investor, and Hirander Misra is the CEO of GMEX group, the blockchain trading system in operation all around the world. Read more about them here.



June was a jam-packed month for the ThinkCoin team. When we had a moment’s breathing space, we took the opportunity to examine one of the more subtle but nonetheless important features of the TradeConnect platform. Oracles are our solution to enable the sourcing of reliable information: read more about them here.


Our addition of the staking feature to the platform was a huge win for the ThinkCoin community. Our Staking protocol rewards our investors for holding tokens, allowing them to receive a share of the ConnectFee.

Seoul Roadshow

June marked some of our most successful roadshows, with the team heading to speak across Asia. Seoul was a fantastic place to visit, and we had a great opportunity to spread awareness of TradeConnect to a large number of interested new investors. We made some valuable can’t wait to come back.

ThinkCoin and GMEX

June started with one of the biggest updates to our project, the announcement that we had secured a partnership with GMEX, a leading blockchain exchange service provider. Together, we’re going to be able to pool our knowledge and resources to bring our dreams of TradeConnect as the one-stop financial trading platform of the future to reality.


Warning: Twitter Scammers

Unfortunately, this warning is as relevant now as it was in May. Twitter has seen a pandemic of scammers impersonating popular crypto projects and public figures in an attempt to steal Ethereum and other digital currencies. We will NEVER ask our users to send us funds over Twitter, remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. We’re hoping Twitter will act fast to cut out this problem and protect their users.

Blockchain International Show

May marked the hugely successful Blockchain International Show in London. While we’ve loved traveling around the world attending events, it was amazing to have such a warm reception to ThinkCoin right on the doorstep of our main office.

Building on Ethereum

In this blog post we outlined why we chose Ethereum to be the backbone of TradeConnect. Working alongside over 1500 other projects as part of a global community is a feeling we can’t describe, and we couldn’t be happier to be developing on the Ethereum blockchain. Read the blog for a detailed look at the security, speed and stability benefits of the Ethereum network.

Reaching Our Softcap

What a fantastic announcement this was. Since then we’ve had even more success attracting funding from private investors. Now, the only remaining task is to build the trading network of the future.

Announcing TokenMatch

May brought news that we had been invted to TokenMatch, an exclusive blockchain funding event in New York. We were one of just 21 teams invited, a recognition that validated for us the potential of our project.

The TradeConnect Vision

This vision that remains as true and strong today as since our inception. If you didn’t read it then, make sure to check it out now.

Hope you liked our post and should you have any questions you know where to head to. Have a great Sunday!




The multi-asset trading network that connects crypto traders with global financial markets using bitcoin and ethereum as collateral.