Top Stories published by Uncork Capital in March of 2006

TechDirt’s Greenhouse: a very interesting experiment

I spent the day hanging out at the TechDirt Greenhouse, and I am glad I did — even if this meant spending a day away from the family. Mike Masnick and his team came up with an interesting concept: getting startups to present their…

If you are still wondering whether to buy an EVDO card — read this

It has been a few days since I bought an EVDO card (using the excuse that my new office would not have Internet access for about a week), and I must say that I am totally bought in: this is the best productivity…

How about friends and family financing ?

Quite a bit of discussion took place in the comments and offline following my post on accredited investors, especially as it relates to friends and family financing. These investors will typically be “easier” to convince to support and finance your idea, but…