Top Stories published by Uncork Capital in 2006

Sun Microsystems Founders Unplugged at the Computer History Museum

Last night I attended the Computer Hjstory Museum event featuring the founding team of Sun Microsystems — Andy Bechtolsheim, Bill Joy, Scott Mc Nealy and Vinod Khosla — with Sun’s current Chief Scientist, John Gage…

Vonage’s IPO quickest to be hit by a class action lawsuit ?

What a disaster: float on May 24th, lose over 30% in market capitalization, and get hit by a shareholder lawsuit less than 2 weeks after the IPO. CNET has the details:

The suit filed on Friday in the…

Bebo statistics explained

There has been quite a bit of confusion around the numbers I (and others) have quoted related to Bebo’s page views, uniques, etc. Jim Scheinman, Bebo’s VP of Business Development and Sales, kindly stopped by and clarified things in the comments of my original post on the company’s…

The Circle of Envy

You can read the long version of the story on Jeff Bussgang’s blog, but in short, the “Circle of Envy” in Private Equity is spelled out the following way:

  • Entrepreneurs envy VCs b/c they get to make a lot of money collecting management fees, and not…

Congratulations to Netvibes on their $15M raise

I am late to it (been busy with the aftermath of my own news) but I have to congratulate my friends Tariq Krim, Pierre Chappaz and Freddy Mini for closing Netvibes’ Series B of 12M EUR (or $15M). Per TechCrunch:

These were the top 10 stories published by Uncork Capital in 2006. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2006 by using the calendar at the top of this page.