Archive of stories published by usevim

NERD Tree Guide

The NERD Tree (GitHub: scrooloose / nerdtree) by Martin Grenfell is a popular file system browser. If you’re using it simply to browse and select files like a typical GUI IDE, then it’s worth spending a bit of time going over the documentation, because this plugin does a lot more than displaying a…

What is modern Vim?

Drew Neil, the author of Practical Vim and Vimcasts is writing a new book called Modern Vim. Modern Vim is a great title and captures the significance of Vim 8 and Neovim: both of these versions add key features that streamline plugin management and improve the responsiveness of Vim’s UI (even…

Spacemacs Review and Introduction for Vim Users

Spacemacs is an Emacs distribution that feels like Vim when editing, but doesn’t attempt to completely emulate Vim. It’s modal, so it has Normal mode, Insert mode, and loads of the editing, movement, and search commands that we use in Vim every…

These were the top 10 stories published by usevim; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017.