Top Stories published by usevim in 2013

Understanding ‘listchars’

I was searching GitHub to see what weird and wonderful characters people use for their 'listchars' setting. This all started because I was using a Chromebook, and the built-in shell had trouble displaying some of the characters I use for showing invisible characters. Looking at my…

Vim 101: Preview Window

Continuing on from last week’s Vim 101 on tags, another useful element to a tag-based workflow is the preview window (:help preview-window). There's only ever one preview window per tab page, and it can be used to display tag definitions without interruption.

Vim 101: The Jump and Change Lists

Moving around a file efficiently can improve your productivity, but it takes a while to get the hang of Vim’s jumps. Last week I wrote some tips for practicing marks — ideas for working marks into your daily workflow. Marks and jumps are closely related, mainly because…

These were the top 10 stories published by usevim in 2013. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2013 by using the calendar at the top of this page.