Top Stories published by usevim in 2015

WASD Keyboards Vim Keys

I saw people talking about WASD Keyboards because apparently they now sell Vim layouts. WASD Keyboards sells mechanical keyboards, and part of the order process is a detailed customisation stage. You get all kinds of cool options, like switch type (Cherry Blue, Green, etc.), and even…

The netrw Style Options

I use netrw a fair bit mainly because of Tim Pope’s vinegar.vim plugin. I press - to see a list of files in the current directory, and then navigate around using Vim shortcuts and search. You can open netrw in a similar way without installing vinegar.vim, just type :e . and you'll see a…

Vim Web Development Icons

If you’re a fan of NERDTree, patched fonts, and vim-airline, then you might like Ryan L McIntyre’s vim-webdevicons (GitHub: ryanoasis/vim-webdevicons, License: MIT). It adds icons for web development-related file types, and includes things like an image icon, logos for programming…


PyVim (GitHub: jonathanslenders/pyvim) by Jonathan Slenders is a pure Python Vim clone. You can try it out with pip:

pip install pyvim

I installed it on a Mac and it ran fine. Python has some libraries that make a Python Vim clone a worthwhile effort — PyVim uses…

These were the top 10 stories published by usevim in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.