Go to Wise & Well
Wise & Well
Science-backed insights to help you make tomorrow a little better than today.
Note from the editor

Wise & Well offers science-backed insights into smart and healthy behaviors to cultivate physical well-being, mental health, emotional resilience and, ultimately, happiness. The publication is an invited participant in Medium’s Boost program. *** Wise & Well writers are physicians, psychiatrists, research scientists, dieticians, fitness experts, journalists and other professionals who share their expertise to help you make tomorrow a little better than today. We lean into beneficial lifestyle choices and keep a skeptical eye on health myths and unsupported claims by the pharmaceutical industry and outright hucksters. *** This is a NO-AI publication: Our stories are written by humans with real expertise and lived experience. *** The site is led by Robert Roy Britt, a journalist with more than three decades experience reporting and editing and launching health and science publications. You’ll find our full Publication Introduction and Call for Writers here: https://medium.com/wise-well/introducing-wise-well-a-new-health-and-wellness-publication-on-medium-6bddd50368f1

Go to the profile of Robert Roy Britt
Robert Roy Britt
Editor of Aha! and Wise & Well on Medium + the Writer's Guide at writersguide.substack.com. Author of Make Sleep Your Superpower: amazon.com/dp/B0BJBYFQCB
Go to the profile of Nadine Shaalan
Go to the profile of Gillian May
Gillian May
Former nurse turned alcohol & health writer/researcher. I teach people about alcohol addiction, trauma, mental health. Join my Substack: https://bit.ly/3PuVhXJ
Go to the profile of Catherine Sanderson, Author & Psychology Professor
Catherine Sanderson, Author & Psychology Professor
Poler Family Professor of Psychology, Amherst College | Author: The Positive Shift; Why We Act | SandersonSpeaking.com
Go to the profile of Niall Stewart
Niall Stewart
Author of THE BEAUTIFUL ANATOMY OF DESPAIR | CopyEditor | author@niallstewart.co.uk | niallstewart.co.uk
Go to the profile of Mandy Willig, PhD, RD
Mandy Willig, PhD, RD
Nutrition scientist. Dietitian. Using “close enough nutrition” to help you stay healthy while still enjoying life. https://linktr.ee/drmandywillig
Go to the profile of Dr. Julian Barkan
Dr. Julian Barkan
Family Med Physician/Learner/Reader. Writing to express my thoughts, sometimes teach, and mostly learn. Editor of Flipping the Script/Patient Perspectives
Go to the profile of Christine Fuchs
Christine Fuchs
A yoga instructor & wellness coach who writes about ways to live a fulfilled, high-energy life without burnout! 👉🏼 https://www.wellnessyogachristine.com/
Go to the profile of Eric J. Kort MD
Eric J. Kort MD
Midlife unraveling survivor. Mindfulness advocate. Learn more: https://www.realandpresent.com
Go to the profile of Sam Westreich, PhD
Sam Westreich, PhD
PhD in genetics, bioinformatician, scientist at a Silicon Valley startup. Microbiome is the secret of biology that we’ve overlooked.
Go to the profile of Gail Post, Ph.D.
Gail Post, Ph.D.
Licensed Psychologist, parenting coach, author, and associate professor, writing about self-awareness and well-being. Learn more at www.GailPost.com.
Go to the profile of The Conversation U.S.
The Conversation U.S.
An independent, nonprofit news organization dedicated to unlocking the ideas and knowledge of academic experts for the public.
Go to the profile of Dr. Jan Patterson
Dr. Jan Patterson
Integrative medicine doctor, infectious diseases doctor, author, bereaved parent, cancer survivor, mom, gardener, believer www.drjanpatterson.com
Go to the profile of Annie Foley
Annie Foley
Retired Dermatologist/Internist, top writer in Health and Life, contributor to Wise & Well. Author of the poetry collection, What is Endured
Go to the profile of Kathleen Murphy
Kathleen Murphy
Health writer and essayist offering insights into physical and emotional wellness and successful aging. Subscribe: https://kathleenamurphy.medium.com/subscribe
Go to the profile of Giana Porpiglia, LMHC
Giana Porpiglia, LMHC
As a therapist, I help people gain deeper understanding of themselves and heal from emotional pain. Some things that fuel my soul: Plants, Cats, Crafts & Food.
Go to the profile of Stephen Schimpff MD, MACP
Stephen Schimpff MD, MACP
Quasi-retired physician, academic medical center CEO, professor & researcher. Author of 6 health & wellness books. https://megamedicaltrends.com/
Go to the profile of Denny Pencheva, MD
Denny Pencheva, MD
Medical doctor, clinical nutrition resident, science-backed health advice enthusiast. I'll give you my best hacks to get 1% healthier every day!
Go to the profile of Brent R. Stockwell, Ph.D.
Brent R. Stockwell, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor of Biological Sciences at Columbia University. Top Medium writer in Science, Creativity, Health, and Ideas
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Knight, PhD
Elizabeth Knight, PhD
Health coach. Nurse practitioner. Running nerd. Science champion. Strengths-based, gender inclusive, body positive, anti-oppression. www.flowerpower.health
Go to the profile of John Kruse MD, PhD
John Kruse MD, PhD
Psychiatrist, neuroscientist, father of twins, marathon runner, in Hawaii. 100+ ADHD & mental health videos https://www.youtube.com/@dr.johnkruse6708
Go to the profile of Amy Sterling Casil
Amy Sterling Casil
Over 500 million views and 5 million published words, top writer in health and social media. Author of 50 books, former exec, Nebula nominee.
Go to the profile of Chris Arestides, RN MPH
Chris Arestides, RN MPH
Telling stories, sharing observations, and research to help people live their best and healthiest life and to help professionals help people on this journey.
Go to the profile of Tim Rees
Tim Rees
Registered clinical nutritionist. At war with autoimmunity. Diets & tips on website. The Nutrition Chronicles (Substack). Meat eater. Tim-Rees.com
Go to the profile of Anna Navin Young
Anna Navin Young
Time Awareness + Time Wellness | Coaching Psychologist | Assistant Lecturer | PhD Researcher | https://annanavinyoung.com
Go to the profile of The Conversation UK
The Conversation UK
Independent news and commentary website produced by academics and journalists.
Go to the profile of Stephan Joppich
Stephan Joppich
Engineer turned philosophy student • I write about loneliness, minimalism, and books that changed my life • More food for thought → stephanjoppich.com
Go to the profile of Annika Hotta
Annika Hotta
Professional Alexander Graham Bell hater who writes about accessibility, education, disabled stories, & life in Japan.
Go to the profile of Nancy Oglesby
Nancy Oglesby
I explore life and tell stories! Embracing the world of Drabbles. Publisher of Fiction Shorts, the Challenged, and Another Fucking Publication
Go to the profile of Julie Cunningham, MPH, RD
Julie Cunningham, MPH, RD
High-Empathy Content & Copy | Subscribe to grow as a freelance writer.
Go to the profile of Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Jonathan Isbill MS, RD, LD
Holistic Health Writer, Author, Dietitian, Coach | Dedicated to serving others | Subscribe for My Free Weekly Health 📝https://jonathanisbillrd.substack.com
Go to the profile of JB Hollows
JB Hollows
Doing Life Perfectly Imperfect. I empower change-makers to unlock their Emotional Resilience & take Inspired Action. https://jbhollows.ck.page/profile
Go to the profile of Andrea Romeo RN, BN
Andrea Romeo RN, BN
I'm a nurse and freelance writer. I want to help people make sense of science with practical, compassionate health advice.
Go to the profile of James F Hickey
James F Hickey
Queer writer, creative director, and American expat living in Portugal. Writing wellness, happiness, life lessons, and creative non-fiction. JamesFHickey.com
Go to the profile of Carlyn Beccia
Carlyn Beccia
Author & illustrator. My latest books — 10 AT 10, MONSTROUS: THE LORE, GORE, & SCIENCE, and THEY LOST THEIR HEADS. Contact: CarlynBeccia.com
Go to the profile of Ilana Rabinowitz
Ilana Rabinowitz
My survival skill is thinking outside the lines because life doesn't follow rules.
Go to the profile of Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS
Zachary Walston, PT, DPT, OCS
A physical therapist tackling health misinformation | https://www.zacharywalston.com/subscribe | Clinical Gap Podcast Host
Go to the profile of Dr. Monique Tello
Go to the profile of Nadine Shaalan
Go to the profile of Morgan Khalsa
Morgan Khalsa
Neurodivergent author of vanlife & nature connection memoir, ‘The Wild Wandering Arc' & 'Wild Motherhood: Tending the Fire of your Creative Spirit'
Go to the profile of Warren Thurlow
Warren Thurlow
Writing about science, wildlife and life.
Go to the profile of Emmi S. Herman
Emmi S. Herman
Copywriter by day. Stories by life. At work on a memoir about my sister. Otherwise in a car somewhere between NY and NJ. eherman0110@gmail.com
Go to the profile of May Pang
May Pang
Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗may@mojomint.com 💙 www.mojomint.com. Based in Boulder, CO.
Go to the profile of Richard Gordon
Richard Gordon
Irishman. Ecologist. Contributor for Aha!
Go to the profile of Carol Offen
Carol Offen
I’m a living kidney donor and author. I try to find the humor in any situation (including kidney donation).