13) When in doubt

Pick C?

Eric Turner
100 Naked Words
2 min readMar 12, 2017


Doubt: A feeling of uncertainty or lack of conviction

I do a little mental exercise sometimes that involves asking myself what I am doubting today. Am I doubting my faith? Am I doubting that people love me? Am I doubting what I do for a living?

I’ve been trying to embrace doubts like I’ve been trying to embrace fear lately. Of course, I generally fail miserably at it. Nonetheless, it’s a challenge that I can choose to conquer on good days. Doubts are an important part of allowing ourselves to solidify beliefs. If you never question anything and then someone else brings something to you, you may find yourself in crisis for not knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing.

I believe the exercise is important because it allows me to examine whether or not I have any important doubts that I’ve been pushing to the back of my mind. It allows me to embrace the elephant in the room and get to the core of why that doubt exists.

Most of the time by bringing a doubt to the front of my mind I’m able to address it with a calm, sober mind. If you attempt to address doubts in the midst of chaos, your doubt will also live in chaos. I find it’s a nice mental trick to releasing some hidden tension at times. Don’t let your doubts walk around in the back of your mind. Instead, get to know why they exist.

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Eric Turner
100 Naked Words

Husband. Father. Friend. Social Worker. Life is messy. Come along for the ride! Also, check out Medium membership! https://medium.com/@eturn102/membership