How to Answer the Top 20 Job Interview Questions

9 min readMay 10, 2019


Let’s face it, job interviews are hard. First, the concept of a job interview is unnatural and against our normal social expectations. Additionally, we are programmed to believe we are better at interviewing than we really are, which leads to rejection and confusion. But there is a tried and true method to overcome these obstacles — preparation, practice, and receiving feedback. Do these three things and you are sure to rock the interview and get your dream job.

This article will help you prepare successfully. We share the 20 most common interview questions and everything you need to know to answer them effectively. We will explain what a recruiting manager is looking for and give you a customized framework to answer each one of these questions effectively.

We have split up each question into two groups — Traditional and Behavioral questions.

Top 10 Traditional Job Interview Questions

Traditional job interview questions are generic open-ended questions about your experience, career goals, knowledge about the company, personal values, and the skills you have. These questions seem easy to answer, but don’t be deceived. They require a lot of preparation and a clear framework to express your answer in a convincing and positive manner.

1- Tell me about yourself

The “Tell me about yourself.” question is the most important question you’ll need to prepare for because it‘s the first question of the interview and sets the stage for the rest of the interview. If you answer this question well, you greatly increase your chances of getting hired, especially since a study published in the Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology suggests that approximately 35% of interviewers decided whether to hire an interviewee within five minutes of the interview.

Learn how to answer this question

2- What are your strengths?

Answering the “What are your strengths?” question effectively is one of the best ways to stand out during your interview. To nail this question, you have to recognize this question isn’t about you. The hiring manager is not a counselor and isn’t interested in discovering who you “really are.” They are just trying to fill their position. This question would better be written as, “What are the top 2–3 qualities that you are strong in and would make you successful in this position?” Answering this question instead will make you much more likely to get the job. Let’s dive into the details.

Learn how to answer this question.

3- What are your weaknesses?

Answering the “What are your weaknesses?” question effectively can be a fantastic way to show your ability to be humble, authentic, teachable, and self-aware, which are traits that every hiring manager is looking for. Answering it ineffectively, however, can lose the entire interview for you in a matter of seconds. As a result, this question terrifies most candidates. The good news is that if you follow the below guidelines, you should be able to easily nail this question.

Learn how to answer this question.

4- Why are you interested in working for our company?

When a hiring manager asks the question, “Why are you interested in working for this company?” you might be tempted to just mention all of the things you like about the company. However, if you do this, you may be passing up an opportunity to continue selling your skills. In this post, we will show you how to give an excellent answer that ensures the interviewer that you not only have the passion but are also the best fit for the job.

Learn how to answer this question.

5- Where do you see yourself in five (or ten) years?

At times hiring managers may ask you where you see yourself in five or ten years. This can seem like a daunting question, especially if you are still unsure about your current career choice. Or you may have the opposite problem, where you are certain about where you want to go and are just trying to find the right stepping stones to get there. This question should be taken with caution though because sounding too certain or uncertain can cost you the job.

Learn how to answer this question.

6- What motivates you?

When a hiring manager asks you to share what motivates you, she is not looking for your favorite ways to get through the week like a great cup of coffee, loud music, and the hiking trip coming up on the weekend. There’s much more to this question. When answered correctly, this is the question that can really show the hiring manager you will be successful in the job and will convince them to hire you. Let’s show you how.

Learn how to answer this question.

7- Why are you looking for a new job?

The “Why are you looking for a new job?” question can be one of the most awkward questions to answer if you aren’t prepared, especially if you have been laid off or fired. If you make the mistake to answer this question too transparently chances are you will not get the job. In this post, we will show you how to make a great impression by speaking positively and effectively about your previous experience, your skills, and the new company’s culture.

Learn how to answer this question.

8- Why should we hire you?

One of the best questions you can be asked in an interview is the “Why should we hire you question?” because the interviewer is basically giving you a chance to pitch yourself to them. If you are unprepared and stammer through an answer, the chances you’ll get the job are low. However, if you deliver a strong and well thought out answer, not only will you impress the interviewer, you may convince them to hire you on the spot. So, let’s get you prepared.

Learn how to answer this question.

9- Can you explain the gap in your employment history?

Having a gap in your employment history makes most people insecure because they believe it makes them less qualified than others who don’t have a gap. The truth of the matter is that gaps happen and hiring managers are used to seeing them. There is an effective way to explain your gap, no matter the situation, that will make you confident and the gap irrelevant to the hiring manager. Let’s teach you how.

Learn how to answer this question.

10- What questions do you have for me?

Undoubtedly, every job interview will end with the question, “Do you have any questions for me?” Though this question can be nerve-racking, this is an excellent opportunity to seal the deal. By having a list of powerful questions ready to ask the interviewer you can impress them with your engagement, interest, and preparation. The problem is coming up with the right questions. Let’s show you how to come up with winning questions.

Learn how to answer this question.

Top 10 Behavioral Job Interview Questions

Behavioral questions stem from the belief that past behavior indicates future behavior. Or in other words, it is likely that you will handle future scenarios in the same way that you handled them in the past. To answer these masterfully, you have to know how to tell great stories. Using the S-T-A-R Interview Response Method will be your best bet in telling great stories and nailing these questions.

1- Tell me about an accomplishment you are most proud of.

If during your interview you are asked to describe an accomplishment you are proud of you should consider yourself fortunate. Instead of trying to fit accomplishments in answers to other unrelated interview questions, this gives you the spotlight to illustrate just how awesome you are. Let’s show you how you can knock the socks of the recruiter with an answer to this question.

Learn how to answer this question.

2- What is your greatest failure and what did you learn from it?

Failures are difficult to experience, handle and move past, which is why so many interviewers will ask you to tell them about a failure in your career and what you learned from it. Answering this question effectively can definitely set you apart as someone who will not only do a great job in the role, but will continue learning and becoming a candidate for greater roles and responsibilities.

Learn how to answer this question.

3- Give a time when you went above and beyond the requirements for a project.

When managers give their direct employees an assignment, they usually give a set of expectations and hope the employee can deliver the desired outcome. If the employee is able to surpass the manager’s expectation, they will earn greater trust and receive more responsibility. By answering this question effectively, you can definitely win over any hiring manager and set yourself apart from other candidates. Let’s take you through the elements of a great answer.

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4- Tell me how you handled a difficult situation.

No company or role is without challenges. Regardless of what job you are doing, difficult problems, tasks, and situations will undoubtedly come up. Though these challenges can make work miserable, solving these same challenges can also be the reason for making work so rewarding. Challenges and how they are handled and solved is what sets rockstars apart. Answer this question effectively and you will impress any recruiter, so make sure you take time to follow the steps below to give a solid answer.

Learn how to answer this question.

5- Tell me about a time when you disagreed with your boss.

Every relationship, both personal and professional, encounters some sort of conflict. This is why disagreements at work, especially with your manager, are bound to happen. When the person who might end up being your boss asks you how you have dealt with managerial conflict in the past, it might cause a little bit of anxiety. The good news is that there is a great formula for answering this interview question and we are excited to share it with you.

Learn how to answer this question.

6- Tell me about a time when you have persuaded others to adopt your ideas.

Persuading others to follow ideas that you personally and sincerely believe to be the right thing to do is a crucial skill for any job. Every office is filled with diverse workers trying to collaborate on projects, each believing their idea is the best. We need influencers to be able to move past the indecision and pick a good enough idea and persuade others to follow. That’s why this question is so important. By answering this question effectively, you can give the hiring manager confidence you will be able to make things happen and keep initiatives moving.

Learn how to answer this question.

7- Tell me about a time you made a mistake.

Everyone makes mistakes, but the way each of us responds to mistakes can vary. One thing’s for sure though — people want to work with others who are accountable for their mistakes, can learn from them and are constantly improving. Answering the “Tell me about a time you made a mistake.” question authentically and effectively can be a great way to impress the recruiter. Let’s show you how.

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8- Tell me about your best team experience — and your role in it.

Most of the work that gets done at work or any organization happens through teamwork. This is because the diversity of perspective and skills allows for more effective solutions. Therefore, it is crucial for employees to know how to work well with others. But even if you are a great team player, remember you must also be great at explaining how good of a team player you really are. Let’s show you how to do this well.

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9- Describe a recent leadership experience.

Whether you are applying for a leadership role or not, you want to be prepared to share a story or two that shows your leadership skills and potential. But not all leadership stories are created equal. Let’s help you pick, refine, and tell an excellent leadership story that will help set you apart and land you an awesome job.

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10- Tell me about a time where you had to deal with conflict on the job.

Some of the most rewarding and frustrating experiences can come from work relationships. Because everyone is different and sees things through different lenses, you will encounter disagreements from your manager, coworker, and or customers at various times of your career. Everyone has these experiences so coming up with stories is the easy part. The hard part is sharing a story in a way to impress your interviewer and get you a job. Let’s show you how.

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